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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unleashed Love

I walk into the empty house
And all memories start to arouse
I hear the laughter and taste the tears
And think about our little fears
I miss those moments of bliss
And the way we used to kiss
I look at the things on the ground
That makes me feel he is still around
I glance at the picture bedside our bed
The one when we painted the whole town red
I admire the couch where we first made love
And felt heaven was right up above
I shakily sit on the floor
Trying hard to cry no more
I come here a year after the chase
And surprisingly find everything in place
I clutch his jacket that lay beside
And sensed the love he couldn’t hide
I stand in front of the mirror with a face
That in these 12 months had lost its grace
I brush away the dust that settled on my ring
The one he gave me on our wedding
I close my eyes and keep them tight
Recalling what all happened that night
I remember his warm blood in my hand
And the only thing around I found was sand
I ran here and there looking for someone
Only if I knew he needed me but no one
I come back and see his eyes had shut
A message written on the sand with blood
I regret not hearing his last words
But knew they were ‘kill those bastards’
I kept every word he said
Shot them all right in the head
Now I stand where he lay dead
The night when we had fled
I cut my self setting my soul free
Knowing he is out there somewhere waiting for me

(Dated: September 2004)

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