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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Did you know....

If you were God people would stone you
But you are the devil I bow and worship staunchly
If you were life everyone would rather die
But you are the death I live daringly
If you were truth no one would believe in it
But you are the lie I always speak naively
If you were love people would just learn to detest
But you are the hatred I fell in madly
If you were blessing all would escape it
But you are the curse I cast on myself duly
If you were bliss people would drown in tears
But you are the soreness I heal my wounds with tenderly
If you were light people would be blind
But you are the darkness I see through clearly
If you were blood everyone would bathe in it
But you are the water I can stake my life for valiantly
If you were treasure everyone would bury you
But you are the junk I hunt earnestly
If you were the world it would perish
But you are no soul in which my heart rests peacefully

(Dated: January 2008)

1 comment:

  1. as long as life is more precious than living it........this would continue !!
