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Monday, December 10, 2012

Choices of Our Lives

Every now
and then.
The path
of life splits.
Where I can,
no longer
the way
I used to.
Forced by
my instinct
I am
to choose
with barely
any sight
of what
the future
looks like
I decide
to do
what I
wish to.
my action,
my ways.
For the result
is unknown
but the
motive strong.
The decision
of my past
quickly fades.
Can't leave
the choice
upto luck.
Can't toss
a coin
an move on.
I need
to think,
Look as
deep as
my mind
can see
to be
sure of
what I
I need
to be sure
cause I am
going against
what I
was once
I may
not be
but no
longer can
I put up
this fight
against me.
Take the risk
I will,
my ego
I must kill.
Life can't stop,
it won't.
Knowing what
I know
I must
move on.

Worry not
I must
even if
it is wrong,
cause the
path of life,
splits every
now and then
and life
always begins
once again.

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