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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dear Life

Dear life...

You want me to tell you the color
In spite of knowing I am blind
You want me to fly and soar high
How do I tell you my wings are broken?
You want to see how I run
And here I am finding it hard to stand
You want me to show you the path
Only if you knew it’s me who is lost
You want me to judge between right and wrong
But would you tell me what justice is?
You want me to smile all the time
What’s the point when there are tears behind?
You want me to learn what love is
Isn’t that something I am trying to teach you?
You want to be the world for me
But for you I am to be just me
You want me to practice to be perfect
If none is perfect why even practice?
You want me to look for a corner
And then lock me up in a circle room
You want me to help you build your dreams
And then force me to break them alone
You want me to wait for something
Something that isn’t suppose to arrive at all
You want me to keep my promises
But only your promises are made to be broken
You want me to get something beyond my reach
When I somehow manage to; I am always too late
You want me to build castles
But after I do I see it’s in air
You want me to always understand you
And you never make an effort on the contrary
You want me to understand your silence
But you become deaf when I scream
You want me there when you don’t even want me
But you are never there when I need you
You want me to like what you like
But you easily hate what I love
You want me to seek the happiness in you
What about the sadness I hide in me?
You want me to think you expect less
But I am the one who has just been giving
You want me not to be so demanding
Am not I the one who always just asks?

Would you still tell me....''thats life''

~/)bir ~
(Dated: August 2006)

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