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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Drowning in Debt

This is a truth that we all turn away from. All credit card holders or anyone who has ever used a credit card knows how tempting shopping becomes with a credit card. Is it the feeling of having no limit, responsible for such greedy behavior, which pushes us to buy things we can't afford ? It looks like a credit balance would just make one more capable to do things but it is just hindering you in more ways than you can think.

Behind this evil stand not only all the big financial corporations but also the production companies, as they all benefit from this system.  Here i am not talking about the monetary system, even though i think it is a bigger evil than the credit system, i know it is going to take time to entirely remove money from this world. On the other hand we just can't wait for it to happen magically. We have to take continuous and strong steps from our sides too. 

We must strictly say no to credit cards. If you have a credit card please get a pair of scissors and cut that card into pieces. If you think it is good to have a credit card in case of emergencies, make sure you are strong enough to resist the mainstream market that is hell bent on filling your home with the useless low quality junk they make.

- Salman

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