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Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Call For Awakening

(An interesting article by my brother that I wanted to share! )


In the 21st century, the information age, Man has evolved gradually with his own ingenuity. From the moment we wake up using our alarm clock to traveling using automobiles, to our diet which is now synthetically grown and produced, to our chair on which we sit, to the tap which is the source of water in our houses, to televisions, cell phones, iPods, the World Wide Web, are all marvels of technology. If one were to look, one would notice, it is the subject “science”, which has been responsible for such technological advancements. Man has been very well aware of this fact and yet he has chosen not to apply its benefits in designing the very society he lives in. The society that man has created is the reflection of his thoughts. Thoughts that man clings to based on ideas and beliefs, irrespective of how ridiculous they are. Therefore we see a society full of misery, greed and conflict. Man has accepted these aspects as a part of his life thinking they are predetermined by an external entity like God and failing to see that they are all emergent.

At present the society that we are a part of, is very ideological. These ideas range from economic, political to religious philosophies that hence give birth to dogmas, creed, rituals, traditions etc. What is obnoxious about these ideologies and philosophies is that these subjects are sturdily under the assumption that man is subservient to external entities and human mind(i.e. the thought process), while clearly ignoring the one obvious fact, that if we humans are subservient to anything, it is undoubtedly nature and nothing else. The implications of these absurd assumptions are disastrous because it hinders us (human beings) from evolving further and results in stagnation. And those who challenge the establishment are condemned, criticized and deemed unworthy irrespective of how relevant and intelligent their new ideas maybe. This has resulted in the formation of an education system that does not focus on the ability of the students to think critically, and instead encourages upholding existing traditions and institutions. It is indeed appalling!

The economic philosophies formulated by the greatest economists did not consider that we live in a world with finite resources. The entire paradigm's foundation is based upon the law of 'supply and demand' and the economic growth is calculated to a great extent on the basis of the consumption variable of the consumers. This, in economic terms is actually unsustainable in view of the fact that the resources we have are limited. So we see the subject in itself is contradictory! It is also against science because with more technological advancement, the more unemployment is foreseeable, which is a major nonconstructive consequence, as it diminishes the purchasing ability of an individual. There are various other aspects of this subject that are deeply flawed, but to keep the article short and precise, I would have to withhold its mention here. However I could highlight the implications of this subject on our society, few of which are wars, poverty, unemployment, diseases, socioeconomic stratification, laws, incarceration etc. In short, a society which is dysfunctional, uncivilized and deplorable!

This is where the subject science, plays a very contradictory and contemporary role when compared to other rigid ideologies. The beauty of this subject is, it is pragmatic and has no ego, thereby making the subject free from biases and opinions. The subject allows itself be proved wrong because it then takes the subject to a greater level of understanding. Having said this, is it not incredibly rational to let science decide what economic system should be applied in designing a society that would consider the well being of the entire world as a planet and all that which coexist. A scientific approach would be sustainable in every dimension of our existence.

Keeping the above in mind, there are certain ideas and concepts that have been proposed by an organization called The Venus Project which maintains scientific and technological understandings as its pedestal. This organization claims that our economy should be redesigned only on the basis of resources available unlike the current system that is run by money and politics. The monetary system is a false institution because money in itself holds no value and only acts as the purchasing power to obtain these resources. These resources are a common heritage to all of us but the monetary system favors only those who have money thereby making the entire purpose of life a struggle rather than to simply enjoy the sheer joy of being alive. Politics too, similar to money has no true relevance to society. From no perspective is it a representation of democracy because it serves those in positions of differential advantage. It is a dictatorship of the elitist; the financially wealthy making them inherently corrupt. Apart from that, the institution of politics and politicians themselves have no knowledge as to what makes our society and world function. Even if they were sincere, they lack technical capabilities. This institution like any other existing intuition, is another fallacy.
Since the institution of science has been the sole reason for everything that has improved our lives, why not let it be the governing body of our lives? Science has advanced to such an extent that most of the human chores could be automated which is the case anyways, from the industrial to the service sector like production of cars and ATMs respectively. If we scrutinize, 70% of the jobs that exist today have no utility except to keep the money rotating in the market, and with the absence of money there wouldn't be any need for such jobs like marketing, insurance, accounting, banking etc. They further go on to explain if technology is wisely and intelligently used with automation only 5% of the entire human population would have to contribute to enable the smooth running of the society, thereby creating enough abundance for the entire world, also keeping the best interest of the environment in mind. People would have access to each and every product that is available - for free, without submitting to employment. Now this doesn't imply that there wouldn't be any work but whatever little is required, would be truly relevant to run a society.
The question that now arises is, would we mind contributing few hours, let’s say once a month in contrast to the 8 hours that we put in everyday especially when all our needs and demands are being met. At present we have the resources and technological understanding to take our standard of living to a level so high that it is almost fantastical!

Man has sought happiness through materialism and if he were to stop and observe his life, he would realize that he is still as he was, with all the misery, greed, hate, envy, lust, aggression, anxiety and so on. Do we ever wonder who we really are and the meaning and purpose of our lives? We spend our whole lives seeking and chasing pleasure, gratification, financial and social security, trying to be somebody worthy enough to be accepted, fabricating the idea of a prefect life, which inevitably brings us to the point where we find our lives slipping away from our very hands irrespective of what we have done all along the way and yet we remain deluded thinking we could have done better. We have to come in terms with the fact that nothing is ever going to be enough and so we have to ask ourselves "What matters?"
If a revolution is to be brought about, it would have to begin with the human mind.

"The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious chauvinism and to rabid nationalistic fervor are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is developing which sees the Earth as a single organism and realizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed" - Carl Sagan

Omar Khalil

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