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Monday, October 2, 2023

To forgive and forget

You shouldn't hurt a person

or be a reason

for their sorrow

and then allow

how bad

or how sad

they feel.

When they reveal

their point of view

in front of you.

You know, you have

made a mistake.

Feeling the loss of 

all that was at stake.

As you look 

at the mistakes 

that were made.

Doesn't suffice

the price

that was paid

Over the fire this

path had been laid.

To walk on it

felt like a crusade.

Like spitting venom

those words were said.

To say sorry and mean it.

To be the bearer of guilt.

To see the mistake you did.

Is not enough if it has ruined.

What once was the best of us.

Having broken the trust.

Now do what you must.

To be sorry

and mean it.

To put in the work

where needed.

Change what is needed.

It is not enough that

you've pleaded.

Let there be space

for healing.

Look within

for what made you hurt

the one you love.

Speak less more self work.

That my friend

is a real apology.

Don't pretend

when you say sorry.

Guilt ridden thoughts

have no power over the past.

Worry untill you breathe the last

but that wont change the forecast.

In order

to feel better

I can't hurt the

one who hurt me.

I will only be

feeding my ego.

Which feeds endlessly

like a blackhole.

Lastly I forgive

not wishing to be forgiven

but because that is

the virtue which

will set free.

Giving me

a chance to be.

If the person has hurt you,

don't just forgive but also forget.

For they will be forever in your debt.

Even if they are not aware,

their soul will keep them there.

Accept that there

are situations

and people you 

can't force.

People change when they're ready.

Creativity moves at its own rhythm.

Healing doesn't have a time limit.

Love blooms when hearts align.

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