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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A few rhyming words

Remain calm my demons.

I have recieved your summons.

Being apart

has been difficult so far.

I know

this sorrow.

Is a feeling

that does show.

It stays even

if we don't swallow

the truth of all

that was hollow.

Together we put

our trust in that

which grows.

For only it holds

life as we know.

It is good to know

the ones that remain.

After the passing of

a million seasons

who choose 

to be the same.

To love or fear

the game

is to hold

the blame,

onto riches 

and fame.

What comes to position

is the complete rendition

of the time

that flew by

so fast.

The ones

who matter

couldn't last.

The spell that

was cast

doing tasks

before and after

each task. 


and removing

each mask.

Raising the glass

not caring 

about your class.

For what lays

deep within

must not surpass

that which comes

from the abyss

of nothingness.

Where all that

everything seems

to be less.

Looking for sense

in competence.

Chance after chance.

Dance within

another dance.

A song that

was sung in

the future

causing alarms

that rung in

the past.

In this loops of time

when we do rewind.

Do we tend to find

a mind

that works the 

way it must?

A heart that

chooses to be kind.

Or is it just lust

for more power

and control?

Over all matter

and souls.

Few questions are better

left unanswered for a

time before

we thought of undoing

the sale from

door to door.

I am not perfect.

I am not done.

I am not confused about myself.

I am confused about everyone.

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