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Friday, January 18, 2013


A vision of a moment in the life of a young girl,
 a feeling captured eternally.
 A moment so still yet so restless.
 The battered and bruised soul longs freedom.
 Bound by her own roots, she feels helpless,
gives in, but the spirit inside survives.
 The soul rages with life and a dream to fly.
 A hope to feel what it is like to be free.
Thoughts filled with uncertainty of life.
Holding on to something dear, it is not hope.
Not pain, not love either, just a memory.
 A memory so dear, that it liberates her from herself.
A memory of a time, that gets her through what isn’t in control.
Embracing the fate, letting the illusions shatter.
She holds on as if dear life is all that matters.

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