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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Time, something in which the world exists
Which no one knows when initiated or will cease
Because here ‘when’ again speaks about time;
So life is a mystery and time secrecy
But time rules life not life time
It was time that once drew us apart
It is fate that now has got us as one
We were friends then, we are friends now
The road just ended and started again somehow
In the midst of the end and the start
There was once more time playing a part
Time that let me breathe my way
Time that carried you up so far
Remoteness did spread but not we felt
Distance that crept was sure so existent
Because we then were looking for tracks
Now we built our own to leave a trail behind
If we held hands back in time it was a diversion
Today we hold hands merely as in thoughts
Making a connection that does not enshroud the reality
A bond that looks like glass but to sense is rigid
Our perception so far from sensuality
Drowning still living in purity
Makes every moment in time a time we want to pause
Weave time if I could to make it eternity
And yet again forever and time clash
Inconsistent are we humans too
Failing to comprehend our own obscured desires
When they emerge after being concealed
Sightless to the colors they have been refined with
We twist them with our own eerie notions.
You and I swirl in the mist of bliss
A sense that gives us completion
But life wasn’t pledged without grief
And sharing it we share our lives.
Bathing you with my pearl drops
And understanding the silence that you speak
You bring back the deceased to me
Speaking right to my heart passing over my words
Awaiting to hear the unspoken
That to be done does like enchantment
I sit marveling if I knew you at all
Time passes by, not responding my query
Angels most often stopover inexplicably
Leaving behind an aura of faith and devotion
You are too good to be true but not like seraph
I want to deem I really have you with me
Without skeptical delusions of you fading away
Cupids arrow did hit us but not wound
Curbing the restricted where the world lunges in
Time did make up for keeping us estranged
But now the unique intimacy between us
Shall only fade when time shall

(Dated: August 2006)

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