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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A poem

 A wild patience has brought me here and I don't want to go back.

I've landed on my face after falling through the crack.

I would listen but don't tell me about the qualities I lack.

I need to mend my aching soul, I need to heal. I need to grow.

A longtime has passed since I have felt like home

Experience has taught me that it is best to be on your own.

I don't like this place either but I don't have a choice.

If someone asks about me tell them that I wasn't very nice.

My actions surprise me, I am sure they shock you too.

My thoughts are haunted by the deeds I didn't do.

The presence of my mind is beyond the reach of my will.

I have watched and heard stories that make the devil have his fill.

Nobody would believe or understand what I say.

In nothingness I keep my faith and write another essay.

The last word of each sentence must rhyme with the last word of the next.

That's how I create an elegant poem out of some random text.

That's how I give meaning to this phenomena called life

That's how I find resolution through this strife.

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