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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To Russia with Love

We hold different values for different things. Sometimes we don't know the value of something we already have or something which we recieve without asking. We take things for granted and when we finally loose something, it is that moment where we realize the value of something. This pattern has been followed since the time we are born. Yet we continue to live this way.

We at barbaric expression recognize every thing that happens around us. We live and cherish every part of life. We value things regardless of our possession of it.

Now why am i talking about "value" ? Well, since the time our blog started. We have always had veiwers from Russia; and not just one or two but sometimes the highest count of viewers after India are from Russia. Now one might wonder why this would make any difference at all. Well it does. We shared our blog with people in India and other countries. We never shared it with anyone from Russia, yet we have veiws from the country. That means we have friends in Russia. We researched and learnt things about Russia to make art for our new friends. So this is our tribute to you.

- Salman

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