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Thursday, November 3, 2011

You wouldnt know what it is like to be me,
Coz i'm the craziest of the she,
acting like a bee,
trying to produce honey,
but end up being puny.

Stupid me!
Hardly cares to see,
that the world around me rather a sea,
enormous and scary to be,
but i would choose to be me,
dont you bother me!
So let me be!
I would rather face this than flee,
coz the fear thrills me!
And again i say ,
I am the craziest of the she,
so just lemme be,
the way i wanna be,
coz i wouldn't change for thee.

I was made unique to be,
so shall it continue to be,
if you dont agree with me,
I would say let it be,
I wasn't made for your glee.

Please dont lecture me,
I know it's for free,
but i beg thee,
to let me be,
the way I choose to be,
I may not be the perfect she,
but i choose not to be.

If you want me to be,
a friend to thee,
I would be,
but just dont expect me ,
to change for thee.

I dont mean to be,
rude to thee,
but i have made up my mind,
not to heed to thee,
I am glee ,
about whatever i have,
and whatever i dont,
coz i am meant to be ,
a unique piece
with none like me!

- Hephzibah

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