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Friday, May 6, 2016

Contemplating the past, imagining the future.

I have noticed something about myself lately. I was willing to show more compassion and love to a random stranger than to someone who is more close to me. I would be willing to give away money to ten people on the streets than buy something nice for a close friend. I would give priority to my friend over the girl that I loved. Why was I running away or not doing justice to the one on one relationships ? Why was i focusing my love more towards the whole rather than on the ones closer to me ? Now when I look back upon my life, this was the major reason most of my romantic relationships didn't last. Is it wrong to behave in such a manner ? If this act is a cause, what are its effects ? I would eventually start loosing people around me who have more love for me than what I have to offer. I would start gathering people who have less love for me than what I have to offer. On a short run it wouldn't make much difference, but on a long run this would either drain me out or make me really rich in what i have, as I would do more of it. Now "The Last Supper" makes more sense. The past is gone and will never come back. How do I change the present to have a better future ?

THINK. So I started thinking more and more realising that this is the endless fate for us conscious beings trapped on the planet we so dearly call earth ! I do believe it is in the nature of us humans to be perceiving towards life as we start out living and as we continue we are hurt in ways that make us more judgemental towards life. Now we must take into consideration the fact that we don't exist in isolation. Hence involving the concept of individual and whole in the judging-perceiving paradigm. Now stretch this idea over a great period of time and look at the known history, what conclusion do I draw from my thoughts ?

I believe there are beings which are superior to us humans. Superior as in more capable of doing things or to put it in simple words more evolved than we are. I think these beings were the hindu mythological gods, the greek gods, angels in the abrahamic religions and what we idolize in our pop culture as aliens. Do these entities feed on us like we feed on lower life forms ? I am not sure but i do believe that if jesus christ were real he was an off spring of a human and a higher life form. That is why he is said to be born to a virgin. That is why he had all those superior capabilities that he did. His purpose must have been to evolve the global consciousness more towards love, which he did to a great extent. His life view was like that of a child which made him likeable by others. In the time that he walked this earth the world was not acceptable towards a change. They weren't understanding enough. All the major religions talk about a second coming of their spiritual leaders. Maybe we are just preparing our world to be safe enough for the aliens to land and be in harmony with humanity, if we aren't doing that then I think we should be. We must try to eradicate the evils of hunger and poverty with the help of technology. Nature is the greatest example of abundance, we are a part of nature and are equally capable of producing enough to sustain lives for ourselves and the people around us. Once we reach this state. The aliens or higher life forms will find it safe to come and meet us if not they would pass on their gene to our species which will give us a saviour who would be able to take us into the next phase of time. For the last time this saviour "Jesus" was sent the world didn't accept him and they killed him. So hopefully this time around when a saviour does come through there must be enough love and understanding in this world that there is no violence. I am not saying we must sit and wait for a saviour or believe that we might experience something great like this during our lives. This is merely a concept I thought of for our possible future. A glimpse of what could be.

The reality that we live in today has so much violence and hatred that it will be an uphill task to move towards world peace and complete abundance. To live in a society where people do things because they like to do them not to make money or survive. We are moving closer towards a time when we humans will thrive. 

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