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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Marriage vs Prostitution

Romantic Relationships, affairs, hook-ups, one night stands; all these have one thing in common, sex. Marriage and prostitution which are at either end of the relationship spectrum. Sex is the driving force of life. The energy we spend during an orgasm is the energy of life that we choose to give away. That is why the french call an orgasm "little death", for that is what it exactly is.

Obviously this moment of ecstasy holds great amount of pleasure, which is why humans love it so much. If you look closer at our society and culture you will notice that it is structured around sexual intercourse. Relationships these days have surpassed being complex. They have become more of a business transaction. Who gives more and who takes more. A game where one will leave the other wanting for more. Where is the love ? How can one trust another soul ?  Of course women have an upper hand when it comes to picking a partner for casual sex but men have an upper hand when it comes to picking a partner for marriage but this article isn't about battle of the genders.

Different people live their lives differently. Me, I like going all the way or nothing at all. So when I think of relationships I feel like I am left with just two options right now. Either become a prostitute, where I get something in return for sleeping with someone or get married where I share all of me with just one person. Both of these scenarios have their own pros and cons. Advantages of being a prostitute are; not being locked down to one person, gaining a lot of material wealth, learning a lot new things through personal contact with various people, new is always better, etc. Disadvantages are  society would not agree with my lifestyle (which doesn't concern me so much), there is an exchange of energy and emotions which messes with your vibration of your soul(every time you sleep with someone your mind becomes even more disturbed), you feel low on energy(you might invest too much into someone who doesn't feel the same way about you), etc. Disadvantages of being married are; you might realize that monogamy isn't your thing, you might get bored of the person, etc. Advantages of marriage are; your investments of energy, money and love are safe, you might grow as a person and if everything works out well you might even be able to give this world your off spring.

The choices we make in our life, makes our life what it is. One must realize the true nature of the reality they live in and decide for themselves what is best for them. Living each moment fully and loving each soul wholeheartedly.

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