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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dreams Unlimited

What dreams are?
Is it a place too far ?
A person sitting next to me?
Someone I wish to be ?
Something I wish to own ?
A classification where I would belong ?

Is it a vision ?
Is it a sound ?
Is it a scent ?
Is it a taste ?
Is it a touch ?

Is it a sensation ?
Awareness or perception ?

Why does 
it feel 
so real 
if it isn't ?
or is it ?

I had this dream 
where I saw myself scream

"Even if i can't touch you
I know you're warm and bright
I can look at you
But you don't stay
I can tell you anything
but you never reply
I see you
lots of you
but it hurts
being present
in the aura
of your beauty
you will
never be mine
my dear
summer sun"

When dreams turn into nightmares,
nightmares into reality.
I am too scared to fall asleep
and when I do,
I am too scared to wake up.

I might loose something that isn't mine.
Find something that I haven't lost.
The only thing I can do to be kind.
Be the wanderer of the valley of thoughts.
Love the mystery of my subconscious mind.
I surrender and start connecting the dots.
Between obsession and curiosity is a line
walking on which, I never exhaust.
There is no relationship contract that I signed
Yet it takes me closer, tying countless knots.
I untie them, but it gets further twined.
This life has forced it to grow at all costs.
Scared of loosing vision and being blind.
Forcing it to cross lines it hasn't crossed.
Getting closer and quicker, leaving all behind.
Not caring about all the fortunes it has tossed.
Living up to the legacy that can't be defined.
Moving towards the light that shines the most.
This force once unleashed can't be confined.

It rewinds,
replays again
and again
to make us remind
that the combined
efforts of mankind
will never be underlined
but no effort
no matter how unrefined,
ever goes undermined.
Dream on and all the stars
in the sky will align.

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