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Monday, November 27, 2023


A cry for help
or help itself.
When the music stops.
When the shit hits the fan.
Amongst all chaos,
Who's going to be the man?
To carry us across
these uncharted lands.
When life has gone on a toss
nothing goes according to plan.
Facing a heavy loss.
Doing only what we can.
Integrity and courage were the cost,
for the family we became.
From the absurdist actions 
which should have been banned,
are the lives we loved the most
and the glory regained.
Criticism for the lost,
ironically has no aim.
The one who does the most
takes the entire blame.
The hurting heart asks,
"Is there an end to this pain?".
It is good to put in the effort
but it always goes in vain.
The eye of the beholder knows,
that all of you is strained.

What is help?
What would you tell?
A simple act
of charity?
A pact
to have
some clarity? 
A kind gesture?
Like brushing
your dog's fur?
Loving the ones
who don't deserve?
Saving the ones
without a nerve?
Is it a virtue
Or a vice?
Self sacrifice?
Anything nice?
Teaching someone how
to help themselves?
Humble enough to bow
when you realise
you have mistaken.
For what is
cannot be shaken.
Not interfering while
that person eventually
figures out.
Holding a smile.
Without a doubt.
Not believing
truly knowing.
We are only a part
of a bigger unit.
None of us
are a perfect fit.
Build the trust.
Only do what we can.
When given a chance.
We must.
The rest
seems out
of reach.
More practice,
less preach.
Giving a free ride.
To be by your side.
Lay out facts to decide.
Spell out rules to abide.
A sturdy shoulder for you to mourn.
A hand to lift you when you are down.
Catch all the curve balls that are thrown.
To see more details than what's shown.
Provide assistance in repayment of a loan.
Clothe and feed the poor.
Provide coherence when you are unsure. 

So you've been told.
A tale that was sold
of the yound and old,
the scared and the bold,
the hot and the cold,
the meek and the bold.
The brotherhood of man
cannot understand
the essence of the plan
to unfold the reprimand
of the common.
For all that is needed
will eventually be done.
Keep it a secret,
like an unholy bet.
This is the way to help,
onto others but first yourself.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The evolution of the logo for Jatadhaari

Jatadhaari is a service provider for people looking to make and maintain dreadlocks. The first logo was created in the year 2012 using photoshop. The shape language of triangle was used to design the character. An earthy colour pallete was chosen to represent the brand. The character is shown sitting with his legs crossed and lit from a light placed above the character.

The second logo was created in the year 2019. A few changes were made to the face and position of the character. The direction of source light was also changed from top to front.

The most recent design a lot of attention was given to the shape motif of the character while exaggerating the hands and fingers as they are used the most while making dreadlocks. The design was first drawn on paper after which it was traced and colours were added as shapes in illustrator. One can clearly see the improvement in design quality in the logo.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

My pillow

My dear pillow,
I'm going to 
keep it mellow.
Here I go.

Living live people have hurled
words of betrayal and advice.
When the sun sets on the world
and darkness spreads over the skies.
When in blankets kids are furled,
I lay on my bed and close my eyes.

You soak in my stress after a long days work.
You lift my soul up when I'm stuck in the dirt.

You have witnessed of all my ups and downs.
You have been there while I smiled and frowned.

You have been a support to my heart when it aches.
You have always given me more than all it takes.

You heal my mind when it is tired.
You aid my brain get wired.

You give me dreams,
that nobody else sees.

You are so soft and steady.
You help me get ready
for what comes next.
You give my head a rest.
If you were put to a test,
I know you would be the best.
In your loving embrace when I breathe,
there is nothing in this eternity that I seek.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Spillage from a tainted heart

I am not a part of your dreams.
Don't even hear your silent screams.
I can't tell when you are lying.
I don't care if you are crying.
Don't want to know what you're doing.
Don't care about your feelings.
The prejudices living free of rent.
Eclipsed by my own judgement.
I find myself chained by my emotion.
In a world full of inaction.
Do words even mean anything?
Would it change something?
Does it even matter?
Is reality shaped like water?
When push came to shove.
If I told a human I love
that I hate them
and leave when they come.
Does that make me a better lover?
Would that give me more power?
over them?
Leaving behind breadcrumbs.
Would it change how I feel?
About me what it reveals?

What about love?
What does it do to a person?
What about the lack of it?

Love heals and hurts.
Love ignores and flirts.
Love can be chaotic and constant.
Love can be grateful and can repent.
Love is not all happiness.
It comes with a lot of sadness.
Love can feel angry.
Love can be sweet.
Love can be complicated
like this poem is completely twisted.
Love can be simple
like ABC is for people.
Love is all around.
for the ones who can see.
If you don't hear any sound.
Feel your heart beat.

Darkness best be expressed
Than keeping it repressed
Better out than in
emptying the trash bin
While reading this, if you heard my voice,
you might also know that this is my choice.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

You are the exception

When all the rivers flow
into the great big ocean.
Backwaters show 
Its not always how it's done.
Is there a rose
that has no thorn?
Togetherness they chose
With the one withdrawn!
When everything
that felt right
begins to feel wrong!
Tell me 
if you would 
still hold on?
Learnt through
You used to
be a fool.
There's always 
an exception
to every rule.

Like the Zodiac Killer
never brought to light.
Like a floor filler
that could not get it right.
Like a child's chiller
which is all bright.
Like a funny thriller
doesn't take place at night.

If everything were
perfectly fine.
This duty was nor
theirs or mine.
To have reached for 
the silver line.

To bring about true change.
How would you rearrange?
The list of priorities and desires.
Categories of the earnest and liars.

Life can't always be sunny,
but in a world run by money.

If you have dared
to be honest to yourself.
You have stared
at the beauty of love within yourself
and that love has shared
with you the courage to be yourself.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Cardiac Chronicles

Come with me
on a journey
to places forgotten 
and forsaken.

Horizons of fear and love.
From down below to far above
and everything
in between.

It began as a harmless expression.
An affair I thought would be fun.
A glimpse of  belonging.
That ended with rejection.

The problem with feeling
is that you feel everything.
The good and the bad.
The happy and the sad.
The indifferent and the mad.

The time always moved on
but didn't take me along.
Yes, I felt love again,
this time without any pain.
It was innocent and pure.
About this I was so sure.
I didn't even realise
how the distance grew.
Crawled into my demise
a phase which was new.
Waited without action
for whatsoever response.
Lost all communication.
Was left with all my wants.
With all the DOs and the DON'Ts.
All the CANs and the CAN'Ts.
I followed my heart.
Became a little smart.

Met so many amazing souls.
Wished they made me whole.
Misunderstanding pity for, you know what.
Looking back I know I deserved what I got.

Each and 
Without reason
Or rhyme.
I gave 
and gave.
Hoping someone 
would stay.

Trapped in a dream
I made up in my mind.
In anger I screamed.
Pretending to be kind.
I didn't know the cause.
I didn't know the effect.
I just thought I was
being truly altruistic,
but that was
my selfishness.
More or less.
Driving me 
to the 
edge of insanity.

I craved and longed.
For a special bond.
A forever and beyond.
That which I never found.

Those that had to go, went so far.
I never saw them again.
I felt alone and went to a bar.
Drank to numb the pain.
Smoked to feel.
Did everything
but heal.
I didn't even know
that I needed to.
The highs and lows
got me through.
What is, doesn't easily show.
Hard to tell the fake from the true.

There were few patiently making me see 
everything I needed was always inside me.
I might have chased them away.
Maybe they were never meant to stay.
When I gave my heart like it was a buffet,
to ashes I was laid.

I let the tap run,
until the tank was dry.
When I needed some
I could only try.
Despite my dedication 
I failed Everytime.
About all that has been done
I write and write.
It's not a lot of fun
but a clue I might find.
To change an underlying pattern,
that will join the love lines.
I have a belief so strong,
that I will never loose what's mine.