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Saturday, November 11, 2023

You are the exception

When all the rivers flow
into the great big ocean.
Backwaters show 
Its not always how it's done.
Is there a rose
that has no thorn?
Togetherness they chose
With the one withdrawn!
When everything
that felt right
begins to feel wrong!
Tell me 
if you would 
still hold on?
Learnt through
You used to
be a fool.
There's always 
an exception
to every rule.

Like the Zodiac Killer
never brought to light.
Like a floor filler
that could not get it right.
Like a child's chiller
which is all bright.
Like a funny thriller
doesn't take place at night.

If everything were
perfectly fine.
This duty was nor
theirs or mine.
To have reached for 
the silver line.

To bring about true change.
How would you rearrange?
The list of priorities and desires.
Categories of the earnest and liars.

Life can't always be sunny,
but in a world run by money.

If you have dared
to be honest to yourself.
You have stared
at the beauty of love within yourself
and that love has shared
with you the courage to be yourself.

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