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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Song of the Siren.

you ever felt like 

a soul trapped inside

a body that might

be lost in plain sight

this soul is on fire

ceasing all desire

for a dreamer not

forgotten is the

hero of the hour

in this love you trust

acting like you must

driven by dark lust

will you quench your thirst

come play with me and

do let me see that

if all the water 

in all the world's seas

would be quite enough

us victims of fate

not all can relate

to do this debate

start early come late

you see what life is

see what it can be

you have the choices

make a reality

that works best for you

without me with you

plans to see this through

you do not pretend

how will I recieve

those wishes you send

that come to an end

there are many miles

to go for your smiles

all your wasted trials

you will not be exiled

follow beats of  heart

to reach one must start

why are we apart

I am your creator

you are work of art

in the valley of

all things soft and rough

it must be enough

be like you are tough

shinning sun above

never asked for love

it gives and gives more

and more that it does

do not see because

it has plenty of

maybe fire in us

only lending from

the star in the sky

do not ask me why

ask me when and try

no time to be shy

this infinite world

brought us face to face

to share moments that

time can not replace

arrive and transcend

time, matter and space

love is a journey

you my resting place

lost between attract

and the endless chase

guessing you can not

quite possibly know

the hidden secrets

well aware of the

truth I chose to show

not needed to learn

each fact of someone

you can trust your guts

for they do know best

if you doubt my eyes

put my soul to test

as long as you want

you will not get it

and the moment you

let go it is yours

this is not the rule

you and I are tools

for this life it must

continue to move

in the direction 

we did or not choose

have been patiently

awaiting your touch

to be with me is

too much for your mind

I am a rare find

let chemicals flow

your true nature show

let your senses go

you be logical

for I lost control

put your faith in me

take my hand and see

an infinity

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