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Friday, July 19, 2024

bow chica bow wow!

What is evil?
Something immoral!
Very cruel!
In a world
Waiting to
devour you
at the first 
chance it gets.
Evil shows
you how to live
beyond that
which you dread.
Pushing you
closer to death.
Pushing you
closer to the edge.
So you have
a chance
to spread
across the
ever expanding
Evil is that 
which manipulates.
Wishes to
control fates.
Can't give
but takes.
But seldom do we
truely see
the role it plays.
Like the hidden
roots of a tree,
providing support.
Into darkness
it has grown.
It's actions
have a reason.
That it knows best.
Put it not through
your meager test.
There's as much
bad in you
as there's
in me.
As we
lay in the
wake of reality.
That feeds
on consumption
of anything
and everything.
That needs
but rarely finds
These minds
Seek confirmation
of what they
already believe.
Refusing to see
that nothing
is ever complete.
With or without
these rosy glasses
there's a heart
that beats.
Let it sound
it's rhythm
to the ones
who plead.
In ways that
can't be decoded
so easily.
What is life
if not a journey.
Ask not for comfort
but strength.
To be.
To thrive.
Not just

Spelled backwards EVIL
is just LIVE.
I know you already knew.
These words are just
thoughts that flew.
Feelings that grew.
From the morning dew 
to the sun setting view.
Sown into me and you.
Are the threads of
the old and new.

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