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Monday, January 25, 2016

Hang in there, My friend.

I see so much chaos in your eyes. I see this storm that refuses to settle. I see this madness that has created so much mistrust. Who is real ? Who is saying the truth ? Do they even know what they are talking about ? Making comments about how you should be living your life. They are holding on like a person who is drowning holds onto anything he/ she can get their hands on. They are the reason you are drowning. They wont let you be yourself. They will say absolutely anything. THEY: The people in your life, your friends, family, acquaintances, the faces you see day to day. How the ones we love the most hurt us the most; we hurt those the most who love us the most.

I know we fucked up, didn't do the best that we could and now it is too late.

I want you to know, that your suffering has an end. All that pain you feel in your heart will subside. This cocktail of rage and agony that you have swallowed is harming you. Spit it out, vomit if you must but please, please don't you ever worry about a single thing. You will have everything you ever wanted. You'll have more than what you needed. I am not lying, I know this because I am going to make it happen. I am going to make sure you are happy and safe wherever you are, any place on this whole wide earth and if you manage to go into space, I know you'll do fine there as well.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Shriram Life Insurance, Cafeteria Design

Too many times working as freelancer I have faced a situation where I did not get payed after doing the work. Cheaters and liars, move fast but don't go far. I have become a little thick skinned and mentally prepared for such situations over the years. That somehow shouldn't stop me from sharing stories about high class corporate companies which screw with small timers like me.

So this tale is about Shriram Life Insurance, Hyderabad. I work with a small team of three people on interior designing projects. So we got a call from Mr. Vinay from Shriram Life Insurance asking us to redesign the cafeteria. We went there got the measurements, he told us that he wanted to increase the seating space and would like to see the design in 2D and 3D images.

I told my partners that we will ask for a small advance before we start the work. They thought that a corporate company with such high reputation would never back off from such an agreement. I had a bad feeling about this from the start. We made various designs and even made modifications according to his requirements. After receiving all the design from us, he simply stopped responding.

Such is the state of things but do-gooders(like me) need not worry about a thing. Why ? Cause, I'm eating good, Can't bring me down !!!! :D

Monday, January 4, 2016

Fire Starter Safety Kit !

With so much madness and confusion in the minds of today's generation there is a high chance that somewhere, some guy just looses his mind. He decides to have his vengeance ! He stops what he is doing. Reaches for the match box and lights up a book. He starts burning the place down. Soon there is fire all over the place. This could happen at your workplace today.

To minimise the damage as much as possible during such extreme situations we have fire safety measures used in modern infrastructures. Modern Infrastructures consist of multiple storied buildings. Equipped with electrical connection and in few cases cooking gas for all floors. These apartments have a lot of household furniture which is always at a risk of catching fire. This fire can spread and cause damage to human life, hence it is mandatory to have proper fire safety measures. Fires can start on their own due to short circuits, gas leaks, over-heating of electrical equipment, etc.

Smoke detectors must be placed on all the ceilings so that an alarm is sound as soon as the fire begins. Alarm bells must be in place in such a way that in case of an emergency the sound reaches every corner of the building. Fire extinguishers and water hose must be placed on every floor. The number of fire extinguishers and water hose must be according to the size of the floor. In case of fire one must avoid using the elevators. The bigger the area of the floor, the more staircases the building mist have. There must be arrows and markings directing the exit procedure placed appropriately on the walls and doors. Water sprinklers must be fixed on the ceiling, which get activated automatically in case of a fire.

All these equipments must undergo a regular maintenance to ensure proper functionality when needed. Lets hope there are no fires in our homes.