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Wednesday, June 21, 2023


The glasses were on your head,

not searching yourself and asking me instead.

How the journey went, who followed and led.

Saying, after saying everything that had to be said.

When you make faces and call me names.

When you tease and play your mind games.

Everything you do. I find it so cute.

My heart dances to the tune of your flute.

This is something you know to be true.

My dearest pied piper, take me home with you.

Fears can't manisfest if love shines through.

You may think they don't know but they do.

You are beautiful inside and out.

That's the truth nobody will ever doubt.

A virtue that doesn't need to shout.

A hearty friend who is sincerely devout.

By your side I feel I am enough,

even when the going got tough.

You make me want to be my best.

With you every second feels like a fest.

When you say something which is very clear.

I find meaning in the mundane and hold it dear.

Content with not getting there and staying here.

When alone I look around and find you near.

This life is long, this life is short.

To be with you is not my last resort.

It is a choice, a calling of some sort.

In the kingdom of heaven you are my consort.


  1. People near you made me believe I am ex they found new fondness for you.I don't have energy to stand against you it's hard to so I plead and cried so not to happen this .but I put effort to close all doors which take you away from me I made a tough lock to stop you.But if I reconnect myself you will be isolated and troubled which I don't want already one person she suffered I met her for assort her new life so.I am on recovery mode with painful injections and medication. YOU ARE THE POINT WHERE MY LIFE STOP AND START like my procreation.It takes time to be same as you walk off things and situation changes.Take your freedom of space and new fondness brought around you by ...I put efforts alot but..I vanish .

  2. My book of life nobody learned many things to be said.This is Ahana shaik Taking sign off .Big fan ,admirer and...adieu..

  3. Advice: KEEP her your first priority, care and love ..It's my last comment..I take a leave and vanish .lots of........
