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Monday, December 21, 2015

Logo Design _ Dec, 2015

 This is a Logo for a company called Innove Interiors. The choice of colors shows trust and creativity, the design comprise of two "i"s representing the initials of the company forming a home.
This is a logo for a trust named Esemar which provides home nurses and care takers for bed ridden/ old people. The choice of colors show Calmness, Depth, Simplicity, Serious, Subtle and Usefulness. The design comprises of a walking stick with the name wrapped around it. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Purpose: What should I do with my life ?

"We're here because we're free,
We're here because we're not free.

There is no escaping reason, no denying purpose for as we both know, without purpose we would not exist. It is purpose that guides us, that drives us, it is purpose that defines us, purpose that binds us. We're here because of you, Mr. Anderson.

We're here to take from you, what you tried to take from us. Purpose."

-Agent Smith, Matrix Reloaded.

Purpose is the determination to reach a goal, the reason for one's very existence. Purpose adds direction to survival. To have a purpose in life means to live intentionally.

We are free to make any choice but not from it's consequences, the creators of our reality. Conscious enough to understand that our actions now will create our future tomorrow.  Now blessed with abundance but this gift might be taken away if we don't learn to manage our resources. If we continue to spend resources in ways that would only benefit a few, we give those few the power to create our reality. If the element of purpose were to be removed from every soul, the world would stagnate.

We, humans, are bound by a purpose or free to choose one for ourselves but most of us just survive, living life without the awareness of where their actions will take them. Few are born with a purpose, ones who have always known what they are meant to do with their lives. Something they excel at or have fun doing.  Few find it within theirselves or get inspired by others. Few have no difficulty finding it, most go about living their entire lives unaware of their purpose.

Money should not be your "purpose of life", not accumulating wealth. Purpose without joy, wholeheartedness and a free mind is unfruitful. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated through your being. Where you actions benefits not only yourself but others around you as well.

When you will have carried out your purpose, you will experience a satisfaction like none other.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Costume Variations

The change in element of design can change a lot about the character's personality. Here we see the same character in three different hair styles, clothes and footwear. Each time the same character has a different personality. Differences in his past, about what she does for a living, what he did last weekend ? Where she was last night ? What he likes, her dislikes, his dreams, her strengths, his weaknesses, her addictions, his desires, her passions, their lives. Whether the person is more laid back or more serious and responsible about life. Whether they spend most time alone or with a large group of people. So many messages can be conveyed through the character's "look".


This is to understand how costume and styling can tell us so much about the characters that we use to tell our story. The details we add can set so much mood and stereotype to our characters that by simply variating between three hair styles, three dress styles and three shoes styles; we can create nine different characters, each with a unique story to tell.

Most of the times the main character will have a fixed costume to show stability and perseverance. By making changes in the look and feel of the character we get variations in mood, emotion, attitude. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Doing List.

  • You can't change the past.
  • Make peace with your past.
  • Nothing is permanent.
  • In the journey of life there will be many ups and downs
  • The road of life will be smooth sometimes and bumpy sometimes.
  • Sometimes you can sail through easily and sometimes it becomes impossible to move.
  • You must keep moving forward.
  • Sometimes you can keep your treasures, sometimes you need to cut your losses
  • You must never stop.
  • Keep doing the doing or else the doing will out do you.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Child Labour

"Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labour to the end of time" - Grace Abbott

The primary cause for children to work for money is the inability of the parents to provide the child with ample growth conditions such as basic food, shelter and clothing. This is most common in people living in poverty. The lack of resources forces the children to earn a living on their own.

The essence of childhood is the absence of responsibility. Where the child is provided with an environment to grow not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. When the burden of earning money is laid upon the tender shoulder of a growing child, it steals away the carefree innocence of a child. The child is exposed to the harsh reality of the society that we live in. This also shunts the growth.

This does make the child a stronger person. Giving him/ her the ability to see things for what they are from a very early age. Making him/ her a fast learner. If the child's labour is to sell things, he/ she adapts good social skills. Most of the time children are made to work in small scale industries because tiny hands are useful in crafting various things. Sometimes they work in conditions that are harmful to their health, such as chemical industries and coal mines.

We might think that as long as we are able to provide a proper childhood to our children everything is alright, but that is wrong. Children are our future. A reality where one eight year old living on one side of the world with an abundance of resources and another eight year old living on the opposite side of the world who has to work just to survive, will lead to an unhappy future for both the children.

As aware individuals we must take a certain precautions to ensure a bright future for our coming generations. Individuals must abstain from reproduction if they can't provide their offspring a proper childhood. Employers must not hire children even if it is more cost effective. The governing authorities must provide all children with basic food and shelter facilities. So that the child has time for education and freedom from labour. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Who the fuck am I ?

Waiting to be filled up,
I am an empty cup.
Could be a story later,
I am a blank paper.
Destiny has gone on a date,
I am a clean slate.
An image with a purpose,
I am a fresh canvas.
Wanted to be everything,
I am nothing.
Used to be a special somebody,
I am Nobody.
Don't have what it takes to be a hero,
I am zero.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Strife Within

Words running
in my head
faster than
I can catch
Fire burning
in my heart
not even
a thousand suns
can match
What is
this madness
that has
taken over
I have
no control
Incomplete promises
made to the soul
remind me
again and again
What this is
Where i am
Adding to
the pain

Stuck in
a loop
of heart break
and misery
I don't want
to break free
With no hope
to have what i
want and need
I know not
how to
beg and plead

certainly has
its role to play
Fear looming over
as i stroll along
these lanes
so chaotic
and confusing
Chasing an
endless rainbow
Wasting my time
on some
stupid fantasy
My actions now
will create
what the
future holds
To have
what i wish,
it all comes
down to me
I'm both
in fear
and love
Trying to
find the centre
of my being
Raising up
what's below
pulling down
what's above

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Future Perfect Tense

I'm going to cleanse my soul, so i start with my thoughts
I'm going to put it all out there, risk all i got
I'm going to pull down the sky, raise up the earth.
I'm going to make all the suits play in the dirt
I'm going to spread out my word, till the end of time
I'm going to go on a date with destiny, have what's mine
I'm going to stand by my word, keep your trust
I'm going to focus my love, not give into lust
I'm going to peek into my own self, fix what's wrong
I'm going to wait for you, even if it takes too long
I'm going to work on my weaknesses, build up my strengths
I'm going to go far distances, covering great lengths

I'm going to find out what chances does true love have in this world.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Closer to Zero

Your words,
like sharp knives,
cut through me.
Ripping and
tearing apart
my fragmented identity.
Trapped in
the moment,
enduring your hostility,
awaiting my destiny.
Only to see
later that
you are
the one
saving me.
Keeping me afloat,
high above,
from drowning
in my
own misery.
Filling love
and light
to spaces
that were empty.
Never has
a mirror
reflected myself
so clearly.
It feels like
being dismantled
and assembled
at the same time.
Taking away
what I thought
was mine.
Giving to me
what I know
isn't mine.
Altering my being.
Reorienting my path.
Elevating my soul.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Beyond the sands of time

Meet me in the world of the immortal flower,
where later is the same as never.
A place where we will be young forever,
we will always be together.

Meet me in a world where the fire wont burn,
where the spinning wheels don't turn.
A place where the usurers don't earn,
your interest will be my only concern.

Meet me in a world where the sun doesn't rise,
where anxiousness and depression are all lies.
A place beyond the land and the skies,
I will be yours and you will be my prize.

Meet me in the land of the lost
and if our paths had never crossed,
no experience, no memory, no thoughts.
I would die many deaths and find you at any cost.

Meet me in a world where the rivers don't flow,
where there is no difference between fast and slow.
A place of no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow,
hold me in your arms for I have no where else to go.