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Monday, April 28, 2014

To you, for you and with you.

There are so many things I wanna do;
To you, for you and with you.

So many words I wanna say to you.
So many feelings I wanna share with you.
So many thoughts I wanna express to you.
So many moments I wanna live with you.
So many memories I wanna make with you.
So many chances I wanna take with you.
So many cars I wanna drive for you.
So many bikes I wanna ride with you.
So many dresses I wanna wear for you.
So many styles I wanna show to you.
So many skills I wanna sharpen with you.
So many paintings I wanna paint for you.
So many songs I wanna sing for you.
So many moves I wanna dance with you.
So many parties I wanna celebrate with you.
So many nights I wanna sleep with you.
So many days I wanna spend with you.
So many movies I wanna watch with you.
So many books I wanna read you.
So many dishes I wanna eat with you.
So many joints I wanna smoke with you.
So many drinks I wanna drink with you.
So many secrets I wanna solve with you.
So many stories I wanna tell to you.
So many questions I wanna ask to you.
So many answers I wanna give to you.
So many scars I wanna show to you.
So many stars I wanna count for you.
So many favors I wanna do for you.
So many gifts I wanna give to you.
So many hurdles I wanna jump you.
So many jobs I wanna work for you.
So many doors I wanna unlock for you.
So many places I wanna travel with you.
So many forests I wanna wander with you.
So many beaches I wanna explore with you.
So many mountains I wanna climb with you.
So many oceans I wanna swim with you.
So many trees I wanna lay under with you.
So many flowers I wanna give to you.
So many dreams I wanna dream you.
So many wishes I wanna grant to you.
So many messages I wanna write you.
So many friends I wanna meet with you.
So many pictures I wanna capture with you.
So many choices I wanna make with you.

There are so many things I wanna do;
To you, for you and with you
but I know, I'll never be able to.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Application of Chaos theory in Art

This digital art work was created using the dynamics of Chaos Theory.

In common usage, "chaos" means "a state of disorder". However, in chaos theory, the term is defined more precisely. Although there is no universally accepted mathematical definition of chaos, a commonly used definition says that, for a dynamical system to be classified as chaotic, it must have the following properties.

  1. it must be sensitive to initial conditions;
  1. it must be topologically mixing; and
  1. it must have dense periodic orbits.    

The requirement for sensitive dependence on initial conditions implies that there is a set of initial conditions of positive measure that do not converge to a cycle of any length.

What you see here is a photograph of a painted wall which has been edited digitally, adding filters and other graphic layers.

the final output has the impression of the wall which was initially plainly colored. The color painted on the wall follows topological patterns, which then mix over digital layers. The detailed graphics; overlaying of different images and filter gives an orbital feel to the art work.