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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Having a pet.

 Ever wondered that if you had the choice of having any animal as a pet, what pet would you have? Also while you are busy deciding what animal you would like to keep as a pet. Think of a reason why you chose that particular animal and not others. 

Pets can be left to live on their own or can be trained to be more responsive to what the human wants from them.

Having a pet is both responsibility and fun. As long as you can provide the animal with enough space which acts as its natural enviraonment and give the animal enough food so that its not hungry, you can pretty much keep any animal as a pet.

People love having birds as pets. All kinds of birds can be kept as pets. 

The most common pets are cats and dogs. The more you love your pets the more they love you back.

Few people have a pet mouse or a hamster.

Few people keep animals with them to gain benifits from them. Like hens, ducks turkeys, pigs, goats, sheep, cows, buffalos, etc. These animals provide meat, milk, wool and leather. 

Some people keep exotic and wild animals as pets. Elephants, Lions, cheetahs, leopards, tigers, etc. It shows their status in a society. That they have enough to feed themselves as well as their pets.

Animals such as horses, donkeys camels, snow dogs, etc; are also used as a means of transportation.

Aquariums are also commonly seen at many places since it is easy to maintain small fishes.

Few humans like to keep snakes, lizards, chamelions, tarantulas as a pet. This is more of a statement about their fearless attitude. It could also mean having empathy levels that go beyond the visual appearance of a living being.

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