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Monday, November 14, 2022

Undergoing Excision

With you we end,

with you we begin.

In my heart they live,

everyone who has touched this skin.

Carrying many secrets,

every record of moments they've seen.

To let the world know,

of the places they've been.

Collecting experiences like treasure,

hoping it would help them win.

Unforgetable consequences,

that taught them how to sin.

They can't go back and change,

don't know if they are out or in.

How can they tell that its over,

when they aren't sure if it needs to begin.

Tell them what is the point of

fighting a war against your twin.

If you loose a winning battle

would you still keep that grin.

These lives that know the answers

have no reason to lower their chin.

Every existence is

a life which is paper thin.

Pop these ego inflated balloons

with your all knowing and righteous pin.

Dump all that they hold dear

into the garbage bin.

Swimming in the ocean

of the original sin.

Closing in from the horizon,

when they see that shark fin.

It will be you,

who will be known as the has been.

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