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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Prohibiting the use of Black Films ? Bullshit !!!

Like the title reads, prohibition of black films on the windows of vehicles. This rule is being implemented by the police and only "VIP's" are exempted from this act. Due to the reasons of security. When questioned the police simply say that this is a rule passed by the supreme court.

Lets break this down a bit, what is this really ? Would i be wrong if i say that this is simple one more step where the elite get benefited and the common man is stripped of his liberty ? I don't think so !
We think we live in a free country, yes this country is free to an extent. But every now and then we come across such a law which would apply only for the masses and not the elite. Who is to question this ?  Who is to protect us against such unlawful laws ? The police ! yes ! But they are too busy not thinking and blindly following orders. I find it sad to see that we live in a society of sheep. Where people would rather die than think.

 Yes, this action clearly shows us how fragile the illusion that is set up by the rich and the powerful is. They might get away with such laws as nobody would wish to stand up against the unjust simply because they don't see such a ruling as unjust. Why would i call something like this unjust, unfair, unlawful or immoral ? Well firstly i believe that everyone, every citizen is equal. A day wager has equal amount of rights as a minister of a state. This being said, the rule is passed to avoid criminal action, while giving the elite a freedom to do so ? Saying that everyone has to remove the black films while the elite don't really have to, come on ! The elite can have black films due to "security reasons", what about the security of the rest ? If black films are used by criminals to do criminal activities why do the politicians need them ? The police will blindly implement the rule because it was passed by the criminal government to protect their criminal friends !!! They're making it so obvious how they don't like any competition when it comes to robbing people ! Am I the only one who can see what really is happening here ?

What really should be done is the police and other departments that serve the implementation of this rule must question the working of it. But they won't because most of them are blind sheep and the few on the top benefit from such a thing. Leave us citizens alone.

This is what i think. I maybe wrong, but looking at the way our system works and how corrupt it is, one must really question laws like these.

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