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Monday, October 29, 2012

Dear Love

The more I come close,
the further you run away.
The more I hold on,
the more you slip away.

Emotions in turmoil,
complete loss of faith.
doubt my own feeling,
I give into rage.

When the choice is yours,
I have no free will.
You ask me to back off,
When i wish to stand still.

Give up without trying,
forget you, I will.
not that I fear failure,
Just won't go against your will.

It has become quite easy,
like hitting a switch.
Wearing the happy mask,
acting against my wish.

Getting shallow every time,
my love loses trust.
Empathy and remorse fade away,
giving way to heartless lust.

There is no answer,
that will satisfy.
I guess I shall never know
the reason why.

- Salman

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