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Sunday, October 7, 2012

No partner in death.

nothing lasts
all that
has begun
will come
to an end
memories remain
but in
this life
death is
the only
true friend.
we all
await it.
try to
escape it.
but it
spares none.
be it saints
be it sinners
It treats
everyone alike

Nobody would
ever feel
the pain
that you did
they might
but never
truly know
what is was like
to go through
all that
you did

don't bother
what they say
don't care about
their judgement
they just
don't know
any better
just smile
and live on
watch them wonder
why you smile
watch them
watch you
as you take
the light away
not cause you
deserve it
but simply
because they don't

spread your wings
fly through time
break the rules
shatter the illusions
that confine you
don't let
anything stop you
let them try
let them fail
let them waste
their time
their lives
not living their own
but trying to
guide yours.

be crazy
be stupid
live as much
as you can
do all
that you love
remember that
this life
is yours
and yours alone
regardless of
all the criticism
nobody in the world
not your parents
not your friends
no sibling,
neighbor or acquaintance
no being
not a single
living thing
is going to
go through
death with you.

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