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Monday, February 27, 2012

Heaven, deciphered

Now think of the most beautiful thing and multiply it ten times. That's the basic one line description one could think about something, so beautiful, so everlasting, so far fetched. An idea that might sound unreal to many but has held together huge populations for generations under the name of religion. A promise for a fruit that is promised to us all. In one way or the other it gives us an explanation for all the bad that happens to us in life.
Has anyone who speaks about this tasted this fruit yet? I don't mean a mere state of trance. I mean actually dying and seeing "heaven". No, I don't think so. Nobody has seen heaven. The tricky part about heaven is that you would only get in if you "Believe", if that's the case. We could re-phrase it as, "it is real if you think it is real" ... so anyway it is a test.

A test ? ; well all right I'll take it ... What is it for ? Well if you're good you'll be rewarded ... Rewarded with an entry into heaven. What does heaven have in it? It is a beautiful place, it has everything you need rivers of milk and honey. Doesn't it get messy or sticky? Does god have a proper drainage system? Shut up!! Don't say such stuff about the almighty, he created you, me, the animals, water, land and air. Everything we know was created by him. He can do anything. If he can do anything what does he need us for ? We were created so that we cherish and live by his rules and pray him. Does it make him happy watching us live the way we do ? Does he like that ? Does he care about what every single person that ever lived has done. Does he infact know and remember what humans do and he is still ok with it ? Or does he just want us to pray him regardless ? I'm confused, god doesn't sound so "holy" and "almighty" to me.

How about I don't care about what the afterlife is going to be. That way i can have a heaven right here. By understanding that i have to be the change i want to see in the world. When we understand that, we can live happily in peace with nature. We all have an understanding of good and bad, look at what the religions teach, take the good with you and let go of a few things, cause obviously religion hasn't got it 100% right.

I believe there'll be a change. In all of us, few will survive it and few won't. A lot is going to change. Few will be proved right and few will be proved wrong. Everyone deserves a chance to live. Humanity is going to tear itself apart, then what will remain will be heaven.

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