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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

circle of illusion

I'm in a circle
which spins round and round

It never stops
So forever to it i am bound

I am still trying to break the chain
but the exit is hard to be found

I make noises and tell everyone
but nobody seems to hear a sound

I could either choose to follow
or I would be left alone

There is barely any love left
all hearts have turned to stone

Materialistic values are no longer skin deep
they go all the way to the bone

originality and individualism no longer exist
every person is just another clone

How long will this go on ?
How much more can our world take ?

How much debt, how many deaths ?
Will this circle ever break ?

False promises, violence, loss of good morals
what sense does it make ?

When will the entire population realize,
that the life we live is just fake.

- Salman

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