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Thursday, February 23, 2012

A "not so" secret.

Today i would like to tell you a secret. A secret which is obvious to many but not all know the complete truth. It has become a deep part of our lives. We live most of our lives un-aware of it. We sit and watch as it kills our future. It controls us, decides our fates and has been doing it for many years now. It is responsible for the deaths of few famous and countless other people over the past. This secret is very well planned. Its best trick is disguise. It disguises itself in many forms. Like money, violence and religion. It has become the only reality we know. Our evolution is not just a physical change. It is also mental and spiritual. The human well being or "health" is defined as the general condition of a person's mind body and spirit. This secret has kept us from ever living freely. It has constrained us with fake illusions and materialistic lifestyles.This secret has separated families, destroyed lives, caused pain and agony to an entire planet for years, has used us like scapegoats, has taken away most of what rightfully belongs to us and now the secret is slowly revealing itself.

This secret isn't a group of people. Of course there are people who run it but according to me i don't think they are humans. I mean i don't understand how a human heart can contain so much guilt. How knowingly that one is doing wrong or bad one could continue down such a path ? ... so i concluded they're not humans. At least not the kind i encounter everyday in my life. Well these people have publicly admitted about all this. A lot of information about them is available on the internet. Was it a part of their plan to be revealed or is life and destiny beyond their hands too. I don't know but i do know this. Now the ball is in our court. it is our move now. We must take it carefully.

The first thing we must do is get into the habit of learning. We never truly learn because we never truly question. Since our childhood we are taught never to question, especially if it is god, religion, society, leadership, authority ... basically "... parents, teachers and all elders ... ". So question everything. don't just accept things, Understand, learn, be patient. When you understand what it is. Just listen to your heart and it will guide you right.

- Salman

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