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Sunday, June 11, 2023

This is madness.

A full house.

An old mouse.

A leaky tap.

Adulting is a trap.

My only choice.

That white noise.

Two beer cups

and they cheer up.

What did you do?

What did she say?

Would he pull through?

If I found a way?

A brief update,

on being great.

The rise before the fall

when you've seen it all.

When you let it go.

Walking through the snow.

Try to speed the pain.

When it is about to rain.

How the sun shines

when the clouds part.

Drawing random lines

to call it art.

A strong dog.

A small frog.

Catch the drift.

Time to shift.

The leaning tower.

My favourite lover.

The ship that sank.

A ruthless prank.

Move when stressed

to feel better.

Feeling blessed

being a go-getter.

Fight the power.

Take a shower.

When the phone rings.

Data the news brings.

A broken calculator.

Counting drops of water.

Wishing haters a farewell.

Give them something to tell.

They say I am crazy

I think they're right.

Best to let them be.

I think, I might.

Cease to exist.

Hard to resist.

A creative block.

A stinking sock.

A graphic novel.

A fresh towel.

Like a soda pop,

life's nonstop.

Only when it rains,

there's a rainbow.

I can only gain,

from the seeds I sow.

To that catchy song

they danced along.

Stayed up all night

until the morning light.

Burning up all the excuses.

Showing off all my bruises.

A shuffled deck.

Hickey on my neck.

Working towards a win,

saving up to buy a car.

She said Salman Mohsin,

you are a rockstar.


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  2. Eye,writing,expression it is deep study to understand the change.It difficult to see the person you love against you but still our heart melt seeing them .Hope new love and people show peace,love and compatibility..
