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Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Warrior's Heart

Starting at the very beginning

seems like a good place to start.

Let me tell you a little secret

I know about a warrior's heart.

Its been stabbed and wounded

this is something we all know.

There are more scars it carries,

on the surface these will never show.

To trust, love and care

is what it does best.

These virtues were self taught,

it hasn't been loved like the rest.

It's good at forgiveness,

and has learnt self-repair.

However, on sensing betrayal 

it quickly retracts.

So, when it moves on

there's no turning back.

Running wild like a river,

always in a state of flow.

Assembling purpose

to intuitively go.

It doesn't have great expectations 

and knows that life isn't always fair.

It has been played with and trampled on

has its origins in the darkness of space,

yet like a big bang in nothingness,

it has power to put a smile on any face.

Can tell a lot of stories,

capable of play and fun.

Always looking for adventure

even if it's dying under the sun.

It can move mountains,

it can stand still.

It doesn't need a metronome,

to do its drill.

It does what it wills,

cannot be forced.

Could be the reason

for its guilts and remorse.

Sometimes it wavers

and falls off its feet.

Then gets up and running

by the very next heart beat.

It knows what it wants

and burns like fire.

It doesn't stop

until it achieves its desire.

Most hearts quit at failure,

this doesn't know, when to.

Every success is a result

of what it has been through.

Extraordinary is a norm

for it rejoices in the mundane.

Experiencing moments by their nature

everything from pleasure to pain.

Always living on the edge

was not a self made choice

but this lifestyle

became its voice.

Fighting countless battles

it became super strong.

It is big, full of life

and can tell right from wrong.

When two roads diverge

it doesn't hesitate to choose its lane.

It knows when to indulge

and when to abstain.

Its real value became

clearer with each stride.

It knows what it's worth,

there is no false pride.

Closing itself from the world,

was never a difficult task.

To find a place in here,

all one has to do, is truly ask.

If another is

its genuine friend.

For this being

it will meet Its end.

Having faced the worst,

it feels no fear

and when it cries,

it doesn't shed a tear.

Sometimes it's stuck  in a loop of feelings,

unlike a bullet from a gun,

Such as a moment in the jump, without a parachute,

from the edge of space into the ocean.

There are times it stops pumping blood.

and pumps lava instead.

It can be hurtful,

with poison, it's been fed.

It does get sad, angry,

jealous and insecure.

One must understand that

the broken need time to cure.

It is not perfect, it's flawed,

it is not unaware, it does know.

It listens to what feels right,

to learn and grow.

Hearts like these are rare

and if you are around one,

beware of your actions

and tread with caution.

On a journey of

infinite lifetimes, you will impart.

When you fall in love with 

a warrior's heart.

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