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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Cardiac Chronicles

Come with me
on a journey
to places forgotten 
and forsaken.

Horizons of fear and love.
From down below to far above
and everything
in between.

It began as a harmless expression.
An affair I thought would be fun.
A glimpse of  belonging.
That ended with rejection.

The problem with feeling
is that you feel everything.
The good and the bad.
The happy and the sad.
The indifferent and the mad.

The time always moved on
but didn't take me along.
Yes, I felt love again,
this time without any pain.
It was innocent and pure.
About this I was so sure.
I didn't even realise
how the distance grew.
Crawled into my demise
a phase which was new.
Waited without action
for whatsoever response.
Lost all communication.
Was left with all my wants.
With all the DOs and the DON'Ts.
All the CANs and the CAN'Ts.
I followed my heart.
Became a little smart.

Met so many amazing souls.
Wished they made me whole.
Misunderstanding pity for, you know what.
Looking back I know I deserved what I got.

Each and 
Without reason
Or rhyme.
I gave 
and gave.
Hoping someone 
would stay.

Trapped in a dream
I made up in my mind.
In anger I screamed.
Pretending to be kind.
I didn't know the cause.
I didn't know the effect.
I just thought I was
being truly altruistic,
but that was
my selfishness.
More or less.
Driving me 
to the 
edge of insanity.

I craved and longed.
For a special bond.
A forever and beyond.
That which I never found.

Those that had to go, went so far.
I never saw them again.
I felt alone and went to a bar.
Drank to numb the pain.
Smoked to feel.
Did everything
but heal.
I didn't even know
that I needed to.
The highs and lows
got me through.
What is, doesn't easily show.
Hard to tell the fake from the true.

There were few patiently making me see 
everything I needed was always inside me.
I might have chased them away.
Maybe they were never meant to stay.
When I gave my heart like it was a buffet,
to ashes I was laid.

I let the tap run,
until the tank was dry.
When I needed some
I could only try.
Despite my dedication 
I failed Everytime.
About all that has been done
I write and write.
It's not a lot of fun
but a clue I might find.
To change an underlying pattern,
that will join the love lines.
I have a belief so strong,
that I will never loose what's mine.

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