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Monday, November 27, 2023


A cry for help
or help itself.
When the music stops.
When the shit hits the fan.
Amongst all chaos,
Who's going to be the man?
To carry us across
these uncharted lands.
When life has gone on a toss
nothing goes according to plan.
Facing a heavy loss.
Doing only what we can.
Integrity and courage were the cost,
for the family we became.
From the absurdist actions 
which should have been banned,
are the lives we loved the most
and the glory regained.
Criticism for the lost,
ironically has no aim.
The one who does the most
takes the entire blame.
The hurting heart asks,
"Is there an end to this pain?".
It is good to put in the effort
but it always goes in vain.
The eye of the beholder knows,
that all of you is strained.

What is help?
What would you tell?
A simple act
of charity?
A pact
to have
some clarity? 
A kind gesture?
Like brushing
your dog's fur?
Loving the ones
who don't deserve?
Saving the ones
without a nerve?
Is it a virtue
Or a vice?
Self sacrifice?
Anything nice?
Teaching someone how
to help themselves?
Humble enough to bow
when you realise
you have mistaken.
For what is
cannot be shaken.
Not interfering while
that person eventually
figures out.
Holding a smile.
Without a doubt.
Not believing
truly knowing.
We are only a part
of a bigger unit.
None of us
are a perfect fit.
Build the trust.
Only do what we can.
When given a chance.
We must.
The rest
seems out
of reach.
More practice,
less preach.
Giving a free ride.
To be by your side.
Lay out facts to decide.
Spell out rules to abide.
A sturdy shoulder for you to mourn.
A hand to lift you when you are down.
Catch all the curve balls that are thrown.
To see more details than what's shown.
Provide assistance in repayment of a loan.
Clothe and feed the poor.
Provide coherence when you are unsure. 

So you've been told.
A tale that was sold
of the yound and old,
the scared and the bold,
the hot and the cold,
the meek and the bold.
The brotherhood of man
cannot understand
the essence of the plan
to unfold the reprimand
of the common.
For all that is needed
will eventually be done.
Keep it a secret,
like an unholy bet.
This is the way to help,
onto others but first yourself.

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