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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

IK FK in rigging what is ?

Rigging is a process in 3D animation, which is basically adding controls to the model/ mesh. It uses joints or a chain of joints along the model/ mesh. These chains can be manipulated through two different processes. IK and FK are processes used during rigging a 3D character for animation. These are applied to a rig and can be switchable in a way that both can be used as per convenience. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. IK is easier for quick posing where as FK is easier for detailed animation. A good example for the use of IK and FK in character animation would be where IK is used for showing the character grabbing a glass and FK while the character waves his/ her hand.

It stands for Inverse Kinematics, when applied to a chain of joints the motion/ position of the entire chain depends upon the child joint. Meaning the position/ movement of the child joint is independent/ free to the position/ movement of the parent joint. This method is mostly used to show animation where the end joint doesn’t follow the motion of the rest of the chain. Example: Lifting/ pushing an object, jumping over a wall while resting your hand, for legs during a walk cycle, et’ cetera.

It stands for Forward Kinematics, when applied to a chain of joints the motion/ position of the child joint is dependent on the orientation/ position of the parent joint. Meaning when the first joint in a chain is moved/ rotated, the end joint will move as well. This method is used for joint chains to show a continuous action or where the child moves according to the movement of the parent joint. It is easier to show follow through by the FK process. Example: hands in a walk cycle, rope/ string animation, whip animation, et’ cetera.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dreams Unlimited

What dreams are?
Is it a place too far ?
A person sitting next to me?
Someone I wish to be ?
Something I wish to own ?
A classification where I would belong ?

Is it a vision ?
Is it a sound ?
Is it a scent ?
Is it a taste ?
Is it a touch ?

Is it a sensation ?
Awareness or perception ?

Why does 
it feel 
so real 
if it isn't ?
or is it ?

I had this dream 
where I saw myself scream

"Even if i can't touch you
I know you're warm and bright
I can look at you
But you don't stay
I can tell you anything
but you never reply
I see you
lots of you
but it hurts
being present
in the aura
of your beauty
you will
never be mine
my dear
summer sun"

When dreams turn into nightmares,
nightmares into reality.
I am too scared to fall asleep
and when I do,
I am too scared to wake up.

I might loose something that isn't mine.
Find something that I haven't lost.
The only thing I can do to be kind.
Be the wanderer of the valley of thoughts.
Love the mystery of my subconscious mind.
I surrender and start connecting the dots.
Between obsession and curiosity is a line
walking on which, I never exhaust.
There is no relationship contract that I signed
Yet it takes me closer, tying countless knots.
I untie them, but it gets further twined.
This life has forced it to grow at all costs.
Scared of loosing vision and being blind.
Forcing it to cross lines it hasn't crossed.
Getting closer and quicker, leaving all behind.
Not caring about all the fortunes it has tossed.
Living up to the legacy that can't be defined.
Moving towards the light that shines the most.
This force once unleashed can't be confined.

It rewinds,
replays again
and again
to make us remind
that the combined
efforts of mankind
will never be underlined
but no effort
no matter how unrefined,
ever goes undermined.
Dream on and all the stars
in the sky will align.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I would if I could

Life is speeding up ! Yes, it is . People are getting more smarter. They are stepping upon others to move forward. Apparently there is a hierarchy in the society we live in. A hierarchy based on the amount of wealth one has, the size of an individuals body/ body parts, the appearance of a person, the color of the skin, things people own,what part of the world of the world a person was born in. There is a status ladder that is made of people. This ladder is one directional, an individual can only move upwards and only by stepping onto others. If you stop moving you will become a step for others. These things are very clearly seen in the lives that we live. Although we would like to live pure and free of judgement, we all judge. We have created labels and names for these "positions". We all imagine a world where everyone is equal, living together as one. Truth is we are one but we are not equal. There is a measure of things hence placing individuals on a scale. Now as living beings we crave for love, light and life. We tend to choose and move towards these aspects of life. In our pursuit we tend to forget about the ones around us. Becoming a bit ruthless. If we let fear take over, we are moving away from what is our basic drive.

Do I have a plan to keep up with this system ? Do I even need a plan ? I came into this world without a plan and have lived all these beautiful years without being aware of such a system. Now that I see things work in a certain manner around me, I can't just turn a blind eye to all of it. There isn't much that I can do either since my actions are very limited and wouldn't change much. I can change myself and the things around me hoping to create a ripple of idealism that will take over the world.

Personally my biggest weakness here is inconsistency. If i were able to focus my energy each day everyday on doing something productive. If I can channel my time well, I will be able to create abundance not only for myself but for those around me. I will have to form habits, stop looking for short term outputs and just keep at it. When I do something for a week and then I don't see the desired result I get demotivated. This is such a wrong attitude that I have. I am going to change this behaviour about myself. It is ok even if I don't get any positive results even for the next one year. I will keep going and not give up. The world around me wants me to give up. It wants me to stop growing, I can't stop, I won't stop.

The keywords to take away from this thought pocket are:
1. Be present
2. Never give into fear
3. Time is your biggest resource
4. Never give up

Friday, May 6, 2016

Contemplating the past, imagining the future.

I have noticed something about myself lately. I was willing to show more compassion and love to a random stranger than to someone who is more close to me. I would be willing to give away money to ten people on the streets than buy something nice for a close friend. I would give priority to my friend over the girl that I loved. Why was I running away or not doing justice to the one on one relationships ? Why was i focusing my love more towards the whole rather than on the ones closer to me ? Now when I look back upon my life, this was the major reason most of my romantic relationships didn't last. Is it wrong to behave in such a manner ? If this act is a cause, what are its effects ? I would eventually start loosing people around me who have more love for me than what I have to offer. I would start gathering people who have less love for me than what I have to offer. On a short run it wouldn't make much difference, but on a long run this would either drain me out or make me really rich in what i have, as I would do more of it. Now "The Last Supper" makes more sense. The past is gone and will never come back. How do I change the present to have a better future ?

THINK. So I started thinking more and more realising that this is the endless fate for us conscious beings trapped on the planet we so dearly call earth ! I do believe it is in the nature of us humans to be perceiving towards life as we start out living and as we continue we are hurt in ways that make us more judgemental towards life. Now we must take into consideration the fact that we don't exist in isolation. Hence involving the concept of individual and whole in the judging-perceiving paradigm. Now stretch this idea over a great period of time and look at the known history, what conclusion do I draw from my thoughts ?

I believe there are beings which are superior to us humans. Superior as in more capable of doing things or to put it in simple words more evolved than we are. I think these beings were the hindu mythological gods, the greek gods, angels in the abrahamic religions and what we idolize in our pop culture as aliens. Do these entities feed on us like we feed on lower life forms ? I am not sure but i do believe that if jesus christ were real he was an off spring of a human and a higher life form. That is why he is said to be born to a virgin. That is why he had all those superior capabilities that he did. His purpose must have been to evolve the global consciousness more towards love, which he did to a great extent. His life view was like that of a child which made him likeable by others. In the time that he walked this earth the world was not acceptable towards a change. They weren't understanding enough. All the major religions talk about a second coming of their spiritual leaders. Maybe we are just preparing our world to be safe enough for the aliens to land and be in harmony with humanity, if we aren't doing that then I think we should be. We must try to eradicate the evils of hunger and poverty with the help of technology. Nature is the greatest example of abundance, we are a part of nature and are equally capable of producing enough to sustain lives for ourselves and the people around us. Once we reach this state. The aliens or higher life forms will find it safe to come and meet us if not they would pass on their gene to our species which will give us a saviour who would be able to take us into the next phase of time. For the last time this saviour "Jesus" was sent the world didn't accept him and they killed him. So hopefully this time around when a saviour does come through there must be enough love and understanding in this world that there is no violence. I am not saying we must sit and wait for a saviour or believe that we might experience something great like this during our lives. This is merely a concept I thought of for our possible future. A glimpse of what could be.

The reality that we live in today has so much violence and hatred that it will be an uphill task to move towards world peace and complete abundance. To live in a society where people do things because they like to do them not to make money or survive. We are moving closer towards a time when we humans will thrive. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Falling in love with a bi-polar monster living in my head

Why did you set my soul on fire ?
You created this unceasing desire.
Denying me these feelings that I clearly feel.
Leaving me clueless not knowing what is real.
Now my mind can't rest.
Pushing me to be my very best.
It is in a state of constant war.
With itself behind these closed doors.
I cant seem to escape.
Why would I want to if it is my fate ?
I need help, a hand to pull me out.
I will stay silent but I want to shout.
but my ego wont let me ask for it.
Sucking out life bit by bit
for it must do this on its own.
Prove it to every muscle and bone
only then will this soul stand strong
and say that it has the right to live on.
Now I find myself standing alone.
Lost in the ruins
of my own doings.
Every contact I make
I give less than what I take.
I thought vampires were a fantasy
until you bit me.
Wishing for things to get better
I sit with my thoughts and wonder.
Was I always this monster ?
Did you just set me free ?
Was it always me ?

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Marriage vs Prostitution

Romantic Relationships, affairs, hook-ups, one night stands; all these have one thing in common, sex. Marriage and prostitution which are at either end of the relationship spectrum. Sex is the driving force of life. The energy we spend during an orgasm is the energy of life that we choose to give away. That is why the french call an orgasm "little death", for that is what it exactly is.

Obviously this moment of ecstasy holds great amount of pleasure, which is why humans love it so much. If you look closer at our society and culture you will notice that it is structured around sexual intercourse. Relationships these days have surpassed being complex. They have become more of a business transaction. Who gives more and who takes more. A game where one will leave the other wanting for more. Where is the love ? How can one trust another soul ?  Of course women have an upper hand when it comes to picking a partner for casual sex but men have an upper hand when it comes to picking a partner for marriage but this article isn't about battle of the genders.

Different people live their lives differently. Me, I like going all the way or nothing at all. So when I think of relationships I feel like I am left with just two options right now. Either become a prostitute, where I get something in return for sleeping with someone or get married where I share all of me with just one person. Both of these scenarios have their own pros and cons. Advantages of being a prostitute are; not being locked down to one person, gaining a lot of material wealth, learning a lot new things through personal contact with various people, new is always better, etc. Disadvantages are  society would not agree with my lifestyle (which doesn't concern me so much), there is an exchange of energy and emotions which messes with your vibration of your soul(every time you sleep with someone your mind becomes even more disturbed), you feel low on energy(you might invest too much into someone who doesn't feel the same way about you), etc. Disadvantages of being married are; you might realize that monogamy isn't your thing, you might get bored of the person, etc. Advantages of marriage are; your investments of energy, money and love are safe, you might grow as a person and if everything works out well you might even be able to give this world your off spring.

The choices we make in our life, makes our life what it is. One must realize the true nature of the reality they live in and decide for themselves what is best for them. Living each moment fully and loving each soul wholeheartedly.