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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why Worry ?

If you can do something about your problem, you have no need to worry.
If you can't do something about your problem, worrying won't do you any good.

Worry is a natural instinct which occurs involuntarily. Creating chaos and confusion in our minds which reflects in our actions and eventually our lives. We must learn to identify the signs of worry as it begins. Recognize the problem and focus on the solution. Our mind is capable of overcoming great difficulties, it is capable of achieving anything we dream of. We just need to have the right focus. While facing a difficult situation or a problem, our greatest hurdle is not the problem itself rather the "worrying" that our mind goes through.

Such emotions are common and there is nothing unhealthy about a mind that worries. Many individuals get caught up in it in their day to day lives. Such things don't help us focus and do things in a calm and orderly manner. If our friend  is in such a situation where they are unable to focus on the solution, we must help them calm down and show them that there is basolutely nothing to worry about.

Don't worry, be happy.

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