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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I love you but I've chosen darkness

The endless
descend has begun.
The wait
for our destruction
has ended.
A recklessness
which can't be 
Being responsible
for your own
life is no fun.
Embrace black,
condemn colour,
blame everyone.
We have felt
so much,
now we feel
nothing at all.
A vehement rise.
A vigorous fall.
Surrendering to
the extremities
of insanity.
Cutting out
normalcy, balance
and harmony.
All the ideas
of how it should be,
that you held
so dear,
we forgo.
Sacrificing the identity,
dropping the ego.
Trust instincts,
do what we like,
come what may.
Be crazy,
believe nothing,
repeat everyday.
Let people say
all that they 
have to say.
Let chaos 
show us
the way.
For insanity
is our 
best defence.
Dance naked in 
society's presence.
As we loose sight
of the dreams
we built.
As we begin
to let go
of guilt.
Kneel before
the shield
of madness.
Come to
the altar
of darkness.

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