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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Graphing my Life

I see my life like a three dimensional graph of time and space.
At any moment I see myself as a dot,
charting all the points that spread across,
my life draws itself as lines connecting these dots.
On its own every point is inconsequential
but put all of it together it forms a beautiful picture.
A picture of countless stories, defining my existence,
giving certainty to what i thought was chance.
Adding perspective to what i understood as meaningless.
I wouldn't say my life serves a purpose,
that my actions make this world a better place.
As all I see is the picture I drew
but the picture of my life is nothing but a frame
in this never ending movie that is the universe.
Summing up my life with all that I have learnt and seen
from the time I was born till my last heart beat
it would only be a trailer for what life means
and since I still live, the trailer remains unseen.

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