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Friday, September 30, 2011

Cut and Paste

If you notice you'd see how everyone has their own interpretations about everything. Lets take three words "cut and paste". For many it could mean "destroy and repair" or it could be a slang kids use for cheating or something as simple as "ctrl+x & ctrl+v". Similarly few interpret "cut and paste" as "collage". I'm one of those few.

For me cutting and pasting is an art style called collage. Well i wanted to know what wiki thought collage was and it says " a work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole." which made sense. It basically means putting together different elements like colors, textures, patterns, images and objects; to get the desired final output. Collage is similar to painting but gives a different feel to the art style.

Here are two of my collage works.
Medium: Collage on paper

a simple composition of flowers.

Surfer dude !!!!

hope you liked em' ...

- Salman

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