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Monday, June 19, 2023

My Sadhana at Sadhana Forest

I would like to start talking about this quest by sharing how I came to visit Sadhana Forest. I didn't know about the existence of such a place. I knew about Auroville but not Sadhana Forest. A friend of mine shared a reel about this place and I found the way of life at Sadhana Forest very interesting.

Luckily after having worked for a year, I got a vacation. I needed a break away from the everyday routine I was going through. Also I had never been on a proper solo trip all my life. I always traveled with or for someone.

I did my research about Sadhana Forest. I spoke to the people at Sadhana Forest, got the required information, booked my travel tickets, got ready and took off from Hyderabad. After traveling in a very luxurious bus for 14 hours I arrived at the Moratandi Toll Pass at Pondicherry.

It was a relaxed Sunday morning. I looked around and saw an auto rickshaw. I asked the driver if he would take me to Sadhana Forest, He asked for 300, I bargained for 150 and we finally settled on 200. He took me through a village which led into a forest and finally we arrived.

I walked in and was greeted by Abhilash who is the program director's assistant at Sadhana Forest. I was asked to wash my hands and join the breakfast. I hadn't even brushed my teeth but didn't hesitate to eat. After breakfast I was informed that I had to wash my own plate and shown how it was done.

Then I made the payment for my food and was explained about the rules and regulations. Then Sandhya gave me a short tour showing me the restrooms, showers, kitchen, washing area and finally my bed in the dormitory. I learnt about the founders of the forest, a couple from Israel, that compassion is an essential part of living at Sadhana and that I would have to take part in selfless service called Seva.

The huts were made mostly from recycled and natural material. There were no fans or running water from taps but it was for a valid reason. As mid-day arrived the heat peaked, I began feeling restless. I found out that lunch wasn't served during weekends so I decided to go out for lunch. I walked all the way to the highway and then a little more before I arrived at a restaurant. I ordered some veg noodles for myself, which to my surprise tasted much better than I had expected. I was sweating and feeling hot. I bought a water bottle and drank some water. Then I pour some water over my head, wet my handkerchief and tied it around my head. I walked back to Sadhana, as I drank water and got barked at by the street dogs.

 I then began looking for a place inside Sadhana Forest where there was some wind or low temperature, but couldn't find a single spot that matched my needs. I then took a shower and went to the main hut. The main hut is a no technology zone. I guess that energy helped me relax despite the heat and I was able to take a short nap. I woke up right before dinner, which is served at 6:00 pm. 

The food here is purely vegan, no processed food, no oil, no spices; as healthy as it can be. After dinner I was asked to assist with the cleaning up of the dishes. I joined Piyush and we managed to clean up the table and dishes in a few minutes. I was taking my own sweet time to do the same but Piyush showed me how to be more faster. After that we had a session in the main hut where I was given a detailed orientation about Sadhana Forest, its values, the humans responsible for its smooth functioning and other things that I can't recall right now. Then we were asked what Sevas we would like to choose for the next week. Abhilash announced the first seva and I raised my hand, I had chosen to help with breakfast hygiene. I also chose to be the dinner organiser for the week. There were around 34 human beings living at Sadhana Forest, Few were long term volunteers living there for a year, few were mid term who were there for six months and the rest were short term (like me). After that everyone dispersed and I went to my bed. 

I lay on my bed tossing and turning waiting to fall asleep. Eventually, I did fall asleep, I woke up to the sound of Annete singing and playing a musical instrument (of which I don't know the name). The toilets at Sadhana are nothing like anything I have seen before and one must experience it to truly understand. After answering nature calls, I brushed my teeth with some all natural tooth powder. 
Then everyone gathered at the morning circle and did a few stretches. While greeting each other a good morning, everyone hugged only if they wanted to.

 I then was accompanied by Hanna who showed me what needed to be done. We began by replacing all the dried vessels in their respective places. Then placed the vessels which were soaking out to dry. Cleaned up the washing area and the plate cleaning station. Cleaned the dog bowls. Emptied the Compost, Cow and Dog bin to wash them. Cleaned the foot mats and the drinking taps. At 8:45 am the bell in the main hut rang and everyone gathered for breakfast. Everyone sat in a circle and food was served on plates where they were sitting. Once everyone had a plate, there was a brief moment of silence after which everyone began eating. 

There were a few community announcements made and personal announcements. After that I got the kitchen clean up as my second seva for the day. I had to do most of what I did during the first seva but not as much. The seva ended around lunch time when the bell rang again and everyone gathered in the main hut. After lunch we had a massage workshop where everyone partnered up to learn a few massage techniques. It was Moi who was going to teach us. I partnered up with Deepak who was a professor in psychology, however, he had to leave half way. I then partnered up with Piyush who didn't want me to practice the moves on him. Finally it was Rohit who gave me proper feedback about what I was doing and helped me learn better. After that I took a shower and went to the tea hut where I had some nice vegan tea and laddu. 

I came back to the main hut around 6:00, forgetting about my responsibility to organise the dinner. Meaning I had to decide who all were serving food, who would be responsible to distribute the plates and serve the latter rounds. After dinner we had a core value talk session. This week's topic was natural learning. Natural learning is all about letting the child choose what he/she wants for themselves. Once the child chooses for themselves they would stand by their decision making them more resilient in their approach. This is not the conventional form of learning where there is a standard for all students and then they are tested based on their memory. The talk went on for about two hours where everyone shared their ideas and then we all went to sleep.

 The next morning I woke up early and saw the waning moon in the dark sky. We had the morning circle, I did the breakfast hygiene seva with Tasneem and had breakfast. I chose firewood seva this time. I was joined by Rahul and Utsav, led by Piyush. We first began by clearing out fallen branches from one area and placing them in another. We were not only moving the big pieces but also breaking them. After the area cleared out we headed back for lunch. Most of the work I do requires me to sit in one place, this time I was standing and using my physical strength to do things. It boosted a lot of endorphins making me feel good. 


After that we had lunch after which I conducted a portrait drawing workshop which was attended by quite a few people. Many of them really enjoyed learning the techniques of drawing a portrait. Few found it tough and decided not to follow through. Few of them didn't need any tips from me. Most of the learners left except for Amarthya, Fionna, Gargi and Shrushti. 

They had fun drawing and I had fun teaching them how to. We then had breakfast after which we went into the meditation hut for the sharing circle. The sharing circle was a safe space for everyone to share anything they wanted to. Something that was bothering them or something they were thankful for. Something on their mind or something that was in their heart. Nobody would give any feedback or advice. Nobody would talk about what was said here. One by one everyone spoke, I did too. Then we all went back to our huts and fell asleep. 

The next morning after the morning circle I was joined by Manju and Ratnapriya (the most expressive and funniest person I have met at Sadhana) for the breakfast hygiene. Ratnapriya only knew how to speak in Tamil and was able to speak a few words in english. However, communicating with her was never a problem. After breakfast I chose compound clean up as my second seva. We went to the goshala where we emptied the buckets which had stagnant water in them. It was Shainey, Gargi, Kuldeep and Myself who were doing the compound clean up. Kuldeep and I went towards the cow dung compost pit which was covered with a tarpaulin sheet. There was a lot of stagnant water on the sheet which needed to be thrown out. Little by little we managed to clear out all the water. We were almost done when we saw a small scorpion resting in the sheet. Kuldeep told me that it wasn't venomous.

 We then came to the kitchen to have some lemon juice, where Kuldeep showed me a beautiful work of nature, a red ants nest made with leaves on a tree. We then did a little more seva clearing off wild weeds growing on top of huts before heading to lunch. 

After lunch we had a question and answer session with Aviram, the founder of Sadhana Forest. He was in Amsterdam making an online video call. Abhilash wanted to know why the use of cooking oil wasn't allowed at Sadhana. Aviram answered by saying that if it was one cook who was making food for everyone all the time it could be regulated. However, since there were different people preparing food at different times the regulation of the quantity would be difficult. He mentioned that oil wasn't necessary for a balanced diet and we were better off without it. Then Moi asked what impact the lack of a peer group had in natural learning. To that Aviram replied that raising his daughters in a natural learning environment had its disadvantages but there are many parent groups today that have figured out a solution for the social aspect of children growing in a natural learning environment. Then Fionna asked what it means to be a human and what freedom meant to Aviram. Aviram began by explaining the meaning of the word being. Which means to exist, something that doesn't have a hierarchy. Earlier it was accepted that humans were the only ones gifted with a consciousness, now we know that is not true. Every living being is conscious and intelligent in its own unique way. We understand humans because we speak the same language (sort of). If we could speak the language of all animals we wouldn't treat them with cruelty. He added that to be human means to be of service to all beings without discrimination. He said that the more we give with a good intention the more we receive. The universe is filled with abundance for those who seek for it and love happens to be an inexhaustible resource. It is easy to be compassionate towards someone who deserves it, true compassion means taking care of someone who doesn't deserve it. About freedom Aviram said that when we don't identify with our body or intellect, it is only then we are completely free. To connect with your true self is a rare and beautiful feeling. Many people attain spiritual enlightenment when they are imprisoned. A place where there is very little freedom gives a person an oppurtunity to be themselves. He mentioned that it is important to be free on multiple levels, emotionally, financially and physically. He gave the metaphor of a jet pilot riding in an airplane that is about to crash, and how he always has a choice of pressing the ejection button.

 I then thanked Aviram for having created such a place that helped me to the extent one can hardly fathom within the gap of a few days. I told him that I have felt true peace and joy at Sadhana Forest. Aviram asked me to stop before I asked the question so he could cherish the moment. He then asked me to proceed with my question. I asked him how do I carry this energy that I have felt back home. To that he replied don't go back, go forward. See what helped you feel the way you did and take those elements to where you are. Like nature, vegan diet or a compassionate community. He called me by my name and said that it means peace. He said that the peace was within me and I didn't have to seek it outside. He also advised me to do as much as I can to achieve my goal, as soon as possible, while I am still motivated.

 Someone then asked him why he chose India to establish Sadhana Forest. To that he replied that he was always inspired by Indian culture. Someone asked him about developing the feeling of being responsible. To that he replied to do so one must have that from within which comes from being connected to the suffering of others. To think of ourselves beyond our body. He was then asked why he chose the name Sadhana. He said that this was his Sadhana which meant "Spiritual Quest".  He did this to express his love and compassion, the forest helped. He was then asked about expanding one's consciousness to which he replied that one can achieve this through persistence, belief and through a teacher. The teacher can be anyone or in any form.

 Ritwik then asked why violence wasn't allowed at Sadhana Forest, Aviram said that he was in the army and saw violence upclose. He said that it wasn't something very pleasant. He said that one must ask themselves if they want someone to be violent against themselves. Ask whether the people around me are just like me? He said that the people who tend to be violent are the ones who are haunted by fear and remorse. Piyush then asked why Aviram chose non-competitiveness as a core value when it can be helpful motivating people to grow. To that he replied that competition has more disadvantages than advantages. He pointed out the statistics in India that show the rate of suicide amongst young students. Children killing themselves due to the fear of failure in exams. Is competition worth a human life? No human wants to be under the constant pressure of competition. There is enough for everyone. He gave an example of the Austrailian aboriginals who live in a collaborative society. He spoke about how they were very resilient. Piyush also asked about how to avoid any form of bullying. Aviram replied that compassion contradicts bullying and one must give constructive feedback to the bully to make him/ her understand the consequences of their actions. To do so gently and in private. One must never bully the bully.

 After the session I headed out to the tea hut, had some tea and laddu. I exercised for sometime and then headed back for dinner. After dinner we had a non talent show. I read out the first poem I had ever written. Few people sang, Ritwik and Romi did a little bit of gymnastics. We then formed a circle and passed the hoola hoop through our bodies which was a lot of fun. We then played the human knot game. Then the 21 game, all of which were fun games to play. Then everyone was going out for ice cream and I was invited too. So I borrowed Utsav's bike and headed out to Kuliyapalayam road. We went to this place named Gelato which had the most amazing vegan ice cream. We played a few rounds of Uno before heading back and crashing into our beds.

 The next morning after the morning circle I did my breakfast hygiene seva. We then had breakfast and I chose the accomodation clean up seva. We then had lunch and I went shopping, then had ice cream and sandwich. A few of us then went to Cafe 73. From there we went to Robbie's Flame and Laxmees Pizza which are opposite one another where we had a dosa and a pizza. We then decided to watch Flash. After booking tickets, we took a short bike ride to the theater. Shrushti, Gargi and Shainey slept during the movie. Abhishek, Siddharth, Amarthya and myself watched the movie. We then rode the bike back to Sadhana and slept. The next day during the morning circle I requested to be a part of forest seva.

 I was hoping we'd get to do some digging work but we only had to water the newly planted trees. We then headed back for breakfast where I was given toilet hygiene seva. I filled the barrels with saw dust, filled water, cleaned the compost bin and learned about the toilet cleaning process. I took a shower, had lunch and we headed out for ice cream and then came back to Sadhana for the weekly tour. 

Here we were given detailed information about the various things that go on at Sadhana Forest. How everything is recycled and reused. We were informed about the importance of water conservation in saving forests and much of our natural resources. A little information about regrowing a tropical dry evergreen forest. We went to the goshala where Luke explained his relationship towards animals before and after Sadhana. We were shown what happens to human waste when it was composted for a period of one year. We then watched a documentary about Simple Living. After Dinner I had dinner clean up seva after which I made a dreadlock for Piyush. The next day I had my last official seva which was breakfast hygiene. We then went to Solitude farm for the tour and lunch. During the tour I learnt a lot about permaculture. Krishna Mckenzie told us about the book "One straw revolution". He told us how food is medicine and should be treated accordingly. 

He said that growing local food is very helpful in saving our cultural information. I learnt a little about non interventional farming. 

Growing plants which are of different sizes and take different time to harvest is better than the conventional method of farming. He told how they don't need artificial fertilizers, pesticides or genetically modified seeds to grow food. 

He told how there is equilibrium in nature, he spoke about the intelligence seen in mycelium. He said that solitude farm generates 8 tons of produce from 4 and a half acres of land every year. Showing that the project was not only beneficial to nature and healthy but also profitable. I had one of the most delicious meals at Solitude Farm. 

The papaya was simply out of the world, when I complimented Krishna about it, he said that it was pure sunlight that I tasted. 

We then went to Marc's cafe. I got my customized five layered vegan ice cream cone consisting of fresh cream, dark chocolate and vanilla. We then had a special vegan dosa at archers before we headed back to Sadhana. Then we had the new moon bonfire circle. 

The cows didn't let us settle down easily but eventually we did. It was scary dealing with the huge animals in the dark, their eyes glowed. We managed to start a fire and the cows left. We began by setting our intentions into the dark sky like it was an empty slate. Everyone wrote down their intentions for the lunar cycle, few of us burned them in the fire and few kept them for future reference. After meditating for a while we danced before putting out the fire. It was around 11 in the night when everyone decided to go to the beach. We reached the beach, it was windy and cool. I sat on the eastern sea coast staring into the dark horizon. The sound of the waves relaxed my mind, body and soul. I fell asleep on the beach, after sleeping for an hour I woke up and saw everyone was sitting at the beach itself. Few were talking, few were simply watching, few were playing in the sand. The night sky was as clear as it could get, showing me the vast expanses of outer space. We then headed back to Sadhana and slept. The next day After breakfast we had the inner child healing session where a few questions were discussed and steps towards healing were shared. Then everyone took turns sharing their journey and experiences. Once again there were no cross talks or advice given. I learnt a new prayer. I learnt that the actions of others need not affect my feelings. I learnt that I didn't need validation from others for my efforts. I learnt that I am not responsible for how others feel. I learnt about deep listening. I learnt how true change comes from within. Although it will take me some time to put this into practice, I know I am on my way. I then went to good earth cafe and had a smoothie, coconut milkshake and a cupcake, all vegan. 

We then went to sustenance farm for lunch. Then headed to Hope Cafe for a vegan pizza. The spicy pizza was simply amazing. Then after having ice cream at gelato I came back and got ready. Kuldeep dropped me at the toll gate from where I got into my bus to Hyderabad. 

All the beautiful souls I met who helped me, taught me, made me laugh, made me feel at home. Aviram, Deepak, Kuldeep, Shreya, Tanisha, Rohit, Shrinu, Shwetha, Luke, Amarthya, Siddharth, Abhishek, Piyush, Rahul, Utsav, Tasneem, Shrushti, Gargi, Sai, Fionna, Shainey, Abhilash, Sandhya, Ritwik, Chandan, Dhruvi, Tibu, Andrea, Waris, Olga, Gemma, Annete, Ratnapriya, Shek, Victoria, Romi and Rio. I am very grateful to everyone. I have written briefly trying to capture just an essence of what happened. There is a lot more about Sadhana Forest and oneself to learn. I have taken nothing but pictures and memories. I have left behind nothing but footprints.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see .Be the king of your life.If confuse take advices but final decision should be yours otherwise it will be like circus .Be independent of everything. If anyone around find someone free to think off back here you be imposed for sure something you can't see I know around. Make your own space .
    LOOKING LIKE RANBIR KAPOOR YEH JAWANI HAI DEEWANI. Go on its just a start .I will advice the same to my beta ji in future .ALL THE BEST 👌
