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Friday, March 9, 2012

We are.

we are children of a hopeless generation
we are the voice of a thoughtless civilization

we're a sacrifice, we're slaves
labouring away all our counted days
trying to make ends meet
through all possible ways

we are a product of infinite indoctrination
we are a part of a sleeping population

here being different is wrong
fighting each other is just a norm
we cant see that we are all the same
divided from each other we live on

we are citizens of a greed driven nation
we are victims of political corruption

forced to believe there's no better
that there isn't enough food or shelter
if we don't change our ways now
there'll be none left later

we are a cry of a collective evolution
we are a stand for a global revolution

we want to give love and peace a chance
we want a reform, equality and balance
the elite have conspired for too long
seems like life has it's own plans.

- Salman

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