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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

It is just a ride

 Riding through life's street

there are many people we meet

coming across many experiences.

We learn survival.

Traffic sure is scary,

getting stuck

definitly sucks.

Maybe you get used to it

and eventually the 

traffic clears away.

The fuel sure is expensive.

Speed is scary

and risky

but tell me

does that stop you

from hitting that 160?

Accidents happen

that is the reason

we wear a helmet.

The pace of life is set

by you.

The decision to

travel is yours.

Even an endless road

has a destiny to fulfill.

It is the rider and

not the bike they say

It is the journey and

not the destination they say

They always have

something to say.

I usually plug in my

ear phones and drive away.

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