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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spirituality ... What is ?

It is the study of the soul. It is the art of living that is taught in all the religions.

"Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there." - Vine Deloria, Sioux.

In this life that we live we are in a constant process of creation of our own reality through our actions. The concept of heaven and hell are real. These aren't places that we go to after we die. these are experiences we create for ourselves during our lives. Since we are all individuals who exist as a part of a group. We need to learn a few facts pertaining our reality. These learnings will only ensure a smooth journey for the whole. We are headed somewhere in time and place. To get there in good condition is as vital as enjoying the journey.

Spirituality teaches us how we are all the same and only separated by our fears, egos, values and beliefs. It shows us how we are a part of a whole. How we are all connected. How by harming others we are doing harm to ourselves. The principle of karma, meaning how your actions towards others, whether good or bad will in turn come back to you. These teachings are essential for maintaining peace and harmony in society.

Sadly most people who can't full-fill their basic needs don't understand spirituality. They lack faith that they are a part of a whole. Giving rise to negative emotions such as envy, greed, hatred, anger and fear. We must learn to love one another without any hold-backs. We must recognize the power of truth. Only this way can we bring through an abundance of joy in this world.

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