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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Purpose: What should I do with my life ?

"We're here because we're free,
We're here because we're not free.

There is no escaping reason, no denying purpose for as we both know, without purpose we would not exist. It is purpose that guides us, that drives us, it is purpose that defines us, purpose that binds us. We're here because of you, Mr. Anderson.

We're here to take from you, what you tried to take from us. Purpose."

-Agent Smith, Matrix Reloaded.

Purpose is the determination to reach a goal, the reason for one's very existence. Purpose adds direction to survival. To have a purpose in life means to live intentionally.

We are free to make any choice but not from it's consequences, the creators of our reality. Conscious enough to understand that our actions now will create our future tomorrow.  Now blessed with abundance but this gift might be taken away if we don't learn to manage our resources. If we continue to spend resources in ways that would only benefit a few, we give those few the power to create our reality. If the element of purpose were to be removed from every soul, the world would stagnate.

We, humans, are bound by a purpose or free to choose one for ourselves but most of us just survive, living life without the awareness of where their actions will take them. Few are born with a purpose, ones who have always known what they are meant to do with their lives. Something they excel at or have fun doing.  Few find it within theirselves or get inspired by others. Few have no difficulty finding it, most go about living their entire lives unaware of their purpose.

Money should not be your "purpose of life", not accumulating wealth. Purpose without joy, wholeheartedness and a free mind is unfruitful. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated through your being. Where you actions benefits not only yourself but others around you as well.

When you will have carried out your purpose, you will experience a satisfaction like none other.

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