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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Child Labour

"Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labour to the end of time" - Grace Abbott

The primary cause for children to work for money is the inability of the parents to provide the child with ample growth conditions such as basic food, shelter and clothing. This is most common in people living in poverty. The lack of resources forces the children to earn a living on their own.

The essence of childhood is the absence of responsibility. Where the child is provided with an environment to grow not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. When the burden of earning money is laid upon the tender shoulder of a growing child, it steals away the carefree innocence of a child. The child is exposed to the harsh reality of the society that we live in. This also shunts the growth.

This does make the child a stronger person. Giving him/ her the ability to see things for what they are from a very early age. Making him/ her a fast learner. If the child's labour is to sell things, he/ she adapts good social skills. Most of the time children are made to work in small scale industries because tiny hands are useful in crafting various things. Sometimes they work in conditions that are harmful to their health, such as chemical industries and coal mines.

We might think that as long as we are able to provide a proper childhood to our children everything is alright, but that is wrong. Children are our future. A reality where one eight year old living on one side of the world with an abundance of resources and another eight year old living on the opposite side of the world who has to work just to survive, will lead to an unhappy future for both the children.

As aware individuals we must take a certain precautions to ensure a bright future for our coming generations. Individuals must abstain from reproduction if they can't provide their offspring a proper childhood. Employers must not hire children even if it is more cost effective. The governing authorities must provide all children with basic food and shelter facilities. So that the child has time for education and freedom from labour. 

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