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Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Love Dream

I dream a dream.
So vivid and bright.
A wish, a longing
to hold you tight.

The feeling, the urge
compels with all it's might,
to never let go.
Not knowing, wrong or right.

I feel this feeling
I know not what to do.
If I should voice it
and say that i love you.

Steal you from this world
and runaway to someplace new.
It is just a feeling.
A phase that I'm going through.

How long does a phase last ?
How much more pain must it cast ?
Before I'm free, from what will be,
my past.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

3D Animation and The Mobile Gaming Industry

Here 3D Animation refers to 3D computer graphics, which are created through an elaborate procedure using various computer softwares. These graphics can be programmed into a game. The rise of technology in the recent years has put supercomputers in our pockets, now we can play high performance games on our mobile phones. With the available market size numbering in the billions, the profits and gains the industry holds are huge !

3D Computer Graphics/ Animation:
The creation of these graphics involves Conceptualisation, 3D Modelling, Unwrapping, Texturing, Rigging, Skinning, Animation, Lighting, Rendering, Compositing.

  • 3D modeling – the process of forming a computer model of an object's shape
  • Layout and animation – the motion and placement of objects within a scene
  • 3D rendering – the computer calculations that, based on light placement, surface types, and other qualities, generate the image

  • Games can be used not only to entertain but to educate ourselves. Games have been proven to improve mental and cognitive skills. In gaming, first a game is designed. This design includes all the details of the game. This includes the technology used, game art style and the complete gameplay. Sometimes 3D computer graphics are used to create 2D sprites, which are used in making two dimensional games. There are game engines such as Unity, Unreal, etc; which use 3D Graphics directly in the game. Then depending on the type of game. These graphics are programmed to form a game. A user interface is added to navigate through a game. Other features are added to connect it to the social network. It is then tested over and over again till it is functioning properly. The game is then uploaded on the most popular platforms available; such as itunes, google play, windows, etc. Buying the game is not the only way of making money through a game. There are many free games in the market which make money through advertising, in-app purchases and game expansion purchases.

    In the past years many mobile gaming and application companies have been established. The best advantage this industry has, is the internet, which has allowed it to capture audiences all over the world. To make the picture clear, there are about 1.75 billion smartphone users in the world today. If you are able to sell your game at 50 rs. to 0.1 % of the total available market you will make a profit of 8,75,00,000 rs.  

    In future there will be more supercomputing platforms that will be closer to our lifestyle than a mobile phone. The mobile gaming industry is here to grow.

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014

    Parting with Love

    She has his heart.
    He doesn't know when she took it,
    but knows he is not smart

    She knows a lot.
    Every word he has ever spoken.
    Every thought.

    There is guilt in his eyes,
    pouring out resentment
    caused by all the lies.

    In silence her heart cries
    since he has walked away,
    leaving no room for goodbyes.

    They will love again,
    they will be loved,
    but together, never again.

    Who will she blame ?
    He was the one who
    gave her all the pain.

    She made him forget the world
    but who is going to
    help him forget this girl.

    He is never going to be whole
    trying to rip her out
    for she is a part of his soul.

    Standing in yesterday's shadow
    writing these broken words
    his heart feels hollow.

    He can't let this fear go
    that she is never going to be
    a part of his tomorrow.

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    Here I Stand

    here i stand
    hands tied behind my back
    feeling hopeless, but ready to attack
    here i stand
    glaring at the dark part of time
    where I have never been yet a place that is mine
    here i stand
    with what i chose to show and hide
    with all my faith and with all my pride
    here i stand
    with all my excess and debts
    without fear, without regrets
    here i stand
    with all my strengths and weakness
    without any doubts, without any fuss
    here i stand
    patient, lost, lonely and moonstruck
    living my life and not giving a fuck
    here i stand
    with my arms wide open
    everything said and done
    here i stand
    ready to crawl, walk, run, fly, thrive
    ready to die, ready to come alive

    Monday, May 26, 2014

    Monday, April 28, 2014

    To you, for you and with you.

    There are so many things I wanna do;
    To you, for you and with you.

    So many words I wanna say to you.
    So many feelings I wanna share with you.
    So many thoughts I wanna express to you.
    So many moments I wanna live with you.
    So many memories I wanna make with you.
    So many chances I wanna take with you.
    So many cars I wanna drive for you.
    So many bikes I wanna ride with you.
    So many dresses I wanna wear for you.
    So many styles I wanna show to you.
    So many skills I wanna sharpen with you.
    So many paintings I wanna paint for you.
    So many songs I wanna sing for you.
    So many moves I wanna dance with you.
    So many parties I wanna celebrate with you.
    So many nights I wanna sleep with you.
    So many days I wanna spend with you.
    So many movies I wanna watch with you.
    So many books I wanna read you.
    So many dishes I wanna eat with you.
    So many joints I wanna smoke with you.
    So many drinks I wanna drink with you.
    So many secrets I wanna solve with you.
    So many stories I wanna tell to you.
    So many questions I wanna ask to you.
    So many answers I wanna give to you.
    So many scars I wanna show to you.
    So many stars I wanna count for you.
    So many favors I wanna do for you.
    So many gifts I wanna give to you.
    So many hurdles I wanna jump you.
    So many jobs I wanna work for you.
    So many doors I wanna unlock for you.
    So many places I wanna travel with you.
    So many forests I wanna wander with you.
    So many beaches I wanna explore with you.
    So many mountains I wanna climb with you.
    So many oceans I wanna swim with you.
    So many trees I wanna lay under with you.
    So many flowers I wanna give to you.
    So many dreams I wanna dream you.
    So many wishes I wanna grant to you.
    So many messages I wanna write you.
    So many friends I wanna meet with you.
    So many pictures I wanna capture with you.
    So many choices I wanna make with you.

    There are so many things I wanna do;
    To you, for you and with you
    but I know, I'll never be able to.

    Friday, April 11, 2014

    Application of Chaos theory in Art

    This digital art work was created using the dynamics of Chaos Theory.

    In common usage, "chaos" means "a state of disorder". However, in chaos theory, the term is defined more precisely. Although there is no universally accepted mathematical definition of chaos, a commonly used definition says that, for a dynamical system to be classified as chaotic, it must have the following properties.

    1. it must be sensitive to initial conditions;
    1. it must be topologically mixing; and
    1. it must have dense periodic orbits.    

    The requirement for sensitive dependence on initial conditions implies that there is a set of initial conditions of positive measure that do not converge to a cycle of any length.

    What you see here is a photograph of a painted wall which has been edited digitally, adding filters and other graphic layers.

    the final output has the impression of the wall which was initially plainly colored. The color painted on the wall follows topological patterns, which then mix over digital layers. The detailed graphics; overlaying of different images and filter gives an orbital feel to the art work.

    Tuesday, March 11, 2014

    Five Cigarettes

    My first cigarette
    was out of curiosity.
    To know how it felt,
    to have fumes inside me.
    In wonder, i saw people smoke,
    so began my fire breathing fantasy.
    Unaware of what addiction is,
    remarkable it seemed to be.
    After giving it a try once
    the desire escaped my memory.

    My second cigarette
    came from anger and abandonment.
    Skeptical about who i was,
    I started being aberrant.
    I missed being kissed,
    so i just made a replacement.
    It did keep me from committing murder
    my fury faded, I remained non-violent.
    With a naive intellect,
    I advanced into my own descent.

    My third cigarette
    was due to social reasons.
    I now knew how to smoke
    so everyone who did, became friends.
    I felt free, self sufficient and strong;
    I was a part of a gang of dragons!
    Like a phoenix i had risen
    from the ashes of my aggression.
    Turning a blind eye to all warnings.
    It was my life, to smoke was my decision.

    My fourth cigarette
    was now a habit I couldn't break.
    The only time I didn't smoke
    was the time I wasn't awake.
    I tried to stop, to cut down but
    it only made me up the nicotine intake.
    It didn't make me more happy or peaceful.
    It couldn't even heal my heartache.
    I understood what addiction was.
    I began to see my mistake.

    My fifth cigarette
    was full of disgust and despair.
    I was loosing battles every time
    I said, "I'll quit this time, I swear!"
    Ashamed of my weak will,
    with my health in need of repair.
    I am not stronger than nicotine
    to quit smoking, I wouldn't dare.
    Life never was, It isn't
    and never will be fair.
    All you can do is cheat yourself
    or answer your own prayer.

    Sunday, February 16, 2014

    Let go.

    Black Flames

    These silent screams
    engulf my thoughts.
    Speechless messages
    they state,
    of remembrances
    that will
    forever rot.
    Defining my story,
    deciding my fate.
    For passed occasions
    don't exist
    on this date.
    Burnt on my back
    are the deeds
    that I've done.
    The ones
    I can't deny
    to myself.
    The ones
    I can't
    run from.
    These quite words
    aren't empty.
    They have
    a thousand tales
    to tell.
    Blowing out
    the light
    ahead of me.
    Leaving me
    in a shadowy hell.
    These emotions
    stink of guilt.
    From wretched
    ashes they rise.
    Whispering into
    my ears
    painful goodbyes.
    Forcing myself
    to be scrutinized
    with my own eyes.
    Clouded by
    shame and lies.
    Through shaded
    vision i see
    myself apologize.
    With vague hints
    of the truth,
    scattered all over.
    Having taken
    all hits
    without an armor
    I shout
    into infinity
    and don't
    hear a sound.
    Giving in
    all i got,
    to be unbound.

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014

    Monday, February 3, 2014

    Advertisements make me sad.

    In the system that we live in, marketing is almost like a life support.

    We humans are harmonic creatures. We tend to loose ourselves in the flow of   life. Our mind is an amazing gift. It is a very powerful thing, this only makes it that much harder to control. We rarely reflect, take out time to think about the actions we make. To add to it, we have the capacity of being inspired. So if we see or hear things often  enough we tend to think of it as real. We tend to loose ourselves in this flow of materialism and we don't even realize it. Our minds are bombarded with images of true happiness trying to sell you a product and it's everywhere ! Living in a city, a human mind would be registering at least 100-200 different "brands/ corporations" per day. It never stops ! Everyone is trying to sell you something ! Something with an expiry date (see: planned obsolescence). It doesn't stop at products, politicians sell themselves. Basic services like healthcare and food. Somewhere in this process of buying and selling comes the concept of "profit". Profit can't happen unless someone is at loss. So looking at the bigger picture, the corporations never loose, its always the consumer. The consumer who doesn't gain any happiness or anything else that is of true value.

    I felt there must be a force in our world. That for once doesn't sell a product or service rather just wants to make people think. To make them smile and happy about being alive.  That doesn't give it's life to serve as a slave for the corporations and elite. I am a part of that force. What if instead of being reminded that my skin is not fair enough what if i'm being reminded that i already am beautiful. Instead of being reminded that i don't have a house big enough what if i'm reminded that happiness comes from within. To spread the joy of not being sold anything !

    Sunday, February 2, 2014

    You are the sun

    On the pages
    of your life
    I wanted
    to write
    my name.
    To treat you
    like you were me.
    Like we were
    the same.
    But i did not.
    Turns out
    we are not
    the same.
    I would have liked
    to believe
    that we are one.
    With no faith,
    I strive
    to be love
    at every turn.
    by this light-less fire,
    I burn.
    With naked eyes,
    I stare
    into the sun.
    As I look
    up from oblivion,
    I block out
    the sun.
    To disappear
    into the night,
    to erase
    all that is love,
    to erase
    all that is light.
    I look back
    into darkness
    for reasons.
    A reason
    to rise,
    a reason
    to fall.
    A reason
    to do anything at all.
    A reason
    to smile.
    A reason
    to cry.
    A reason
    to live.
    A reason
    to die.
    For nothing
    heals like death.
    To thrive
    from the ashes
    of all that
    I've felt.
    Withering away
    into the wind,
    like the remains
    of the letters
    I burnt.
    I do wish
    to be loved.
    I do long
    to be held.
    Yet I swallow
    all hope.
    Bury all relations,
    I couldn't cope.
    With secrets
    that were never told.
    With images
    of us
    growing old.
    Carving these words
    on my stone heart
    with a knife.
    This is how,
    I now see
    I don't speak
    from a place
    of fear
    or sadness
    but it is
    a solitary existence
    in complete nothingness.

    Thursday, January 30, 2014

    Existential Pictures

    Few poster like pictures that i created through photo manipulation and other methods.