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Monday, January 19, 2015

Beyond the sands of time

Meet me in the world of the immortal flower,
where later is the same as never.
A place where we will be young forever,
we will always be together.

Meet me in a world where the fire wont burn,
where the spinning wheels don't turn.
A place where the usurers don't earn,
your interest will be my only concern.

Meet me in a world where the sun doesn't rise,
where anxiousness and depression are all lies.
A place beyond the land and the skies,
I will be yours and you will be my prize.

Meet me in the land of the lost
and if our paths had never crossed,
no experience, no memory, no thoughts.
I would die many deaths and find you at any cost.

Meet me in a world where the rivers don't flow,
where there is no difference between fast and slow.
A place of no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow,
hold me in your arms for I have no where else to go.

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