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Monday, April 8, 2013

A boy called Silence

Here's a song
about a boy,
a boy who
once was
not so strong.
Always swinging
between reality
and dreams,
seeing day dreams
in nightmares,
seeing the light
and carrying on.
One day
that light
was gone.
He was lost,
but kept strong.
Floating in the wilderness
of the mind,
trying to fill
empty spaces
in his life.
Searching restlessly
through the gaps
of the heart
strength to survive.
such pain,
that would
wake you up
angry and irritated
A fire,
so hot,
it burns a hole.
At the center of  body,
at the heart of soul.
He walks, walks
and walks again
and then just
a little more after that.
He walks
not listening
to people that talk.
Because he's a slave
to his heart.
Living each breath
like it's his last.
This boy
who once was
not so strong.
danced in joy,
lost in happiness
spoke words
that meant
nothing but madness
Lived a life
and still does
live on.
If he was
so weak and wrong,
why is he
still writing this song ?

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